Friday, April 26, 2013


Super Foods are also known as “nutritional powerhouses” that keep our minds and bodies sharp. For years,
researchers have been able to link super foods to the maintenance of our bones, improved eyesight, the ability to keep our minds sharp, and the prevention of various chronic diseases. In more recent studies, research and evidence now suggests that foods which fall into the “super food” category can also help you get slim and stay slim!
In this article we are going to review some of the top super foods that promote weight loss, and show you just how easy it is to incorporate them into your daily routine. Better yet, most of them are also delicious!

Black Beans
One cup of black beans contains as much as 15 grams of protein and yet cuts corners from the saturated fats found in protein sources such as red meat. Try swapping out red meat for black beans every now and then.

Resistant starch is a healthy carbohydrate and can be found in oats. This healthy carbohydrate is responsible for boosting metabolism and burning fat. Since oats are quite rich in fibre, you will feel noticeably fuller for long and surely this feeling of fullness will eliminate any need for snacking throughout the day.

Not all fats are bad fats. Avocados contain the compound oleic acid, which are healthy mono unsaturated fats. These fats have the ability to trigger your body to eliminate hunger cravings. A regular dose of avocado will help melt away unwanted body fat, and also offers loads of healthy fibre and protein.

Salmon is a great source of lean protein and is also loaded with monounsaturated fats. Past research has shown that those who eat a rich monounsaturated fat diet lost 9 pounds on average. So load up on these good fats and start enjoying seafood again!

With cancer preventing powers, loads of fibre, and just 30 calories per serving, this green veggie serves as a staple side dish or salad booster, and is bound to help you in the weight department!

Did you know that just one pear contains your daily recommended serving of fibre? Treat yourself to a pear a day, and you will most certainly keep the doctor away. Keep in mind, the majority of fibre can be found in the outer layer, so refrain from peeling this delicious fruit.

Wine contains a very powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. This antioxidant can be found in the skin of grapes and has been proven to stop the storage of fats in the body. By drinking wine moderately, you can burn steady calories for up to 90 minutes after drinking a glass.

Grapefruit contains a compound that has the ability to lower insulin levels (a fat storage hormone), which will in turn lead to weight loss. Not only does grapefruit act as a fat buster, it is also a great source of protein, and will fill you up leaving you eating less (grapefruit is 90percent water). Eating half a grapefruit before meals can help you lose up to one pound of body fat per week!

Green Tea
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants which aid in fat and calorie burn. This hot beverage actually hydrates the body just like water, which will give you a sense of fullness for longer, allowing your body to drop excess pounds. Research has shown that drinking 5 cups of green tea daily will help you lose double the weight mainly off of your stomach.


Snack on a slightly green banana and fill yourself up with just 12.5 grams of resistant starch. Bananas also double as great metabolism boosters!

Dark Chocolate
Since dark chocolate has been proven to slow down digestion, you will be left feeling fuller for longer. Small portions of dark chocolate for desert will tie you over until your next meal. Since dark chocolate is loaded with monounsaturated fats, having a little now and then will turbocharge your metabolism and burn more fat and calories. In addition to these wonderful benefits, dark chocolate will also curb various other cravings for fatty, salty, and sweet foods.

Oranges are a great day time snack because they are loaded with fiber, yet contain only 59 calories. The fiber will keep you feeling fuller longer, and eating less throughout the day!

Pine nuts
Pine nuts are another guilt free snack packed with healthy fatty acids that you can enjoy while burning off belly fat. Pine nuts contain only 95 calories for approximately 80 nuts.

Swap out your regular old cheese for fresh goat or feta cheese. These cheeses contain a specific fatty acid that helps you feel full for longer, and will help burn more fat than other types of cheese. When purchasing either of these, go for a “grass-fed” brand since those will contain higher amounts of healthy fats.

Cooked plantains serve as a great snack! Half a cup of plantains contain approximately 4 grams of resistant starch which will help burn fat and boost your metabolism.

With such a wide variety of super foods available, you are bound to find a few that will satisfy your cravings. Swap in a few of these delicious super foods in exchange for some of your “go to” bad foods, and you will be able to not only feel but also see the positive impact they have on your body in no time

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Many people don’t realize that our bodies actually produce many secret weight loss weapons all on their own, and when properly used, they are a major key to success with fat reduction. Let’s take a look at 8 very important hormones related to fat loss, and how each and every one of them play crucial role’s not only within out day to day lives, but also within weight loss in one way or another.

Ghrelin is that little person inside of your stomach that controls the conscious thought of hunger. This fat hormone is produced by your stomach and works alongside your brain to signal your body when you’re hungry. A big shocker, and something that many of us were unaware of until now, is that limiting your calorie intake, in efforts to shed a few pounds, causes an increase in this fat hormone. Studies have shown that even after up to one year of dieters using a reduced calorie diet, levels of ghrelin steadily stayed higher than those who didn’t follow this weight loss method. So when we boil it all down, it appears as if your body cannot and will not adapt to eating less as a means to a new lifestyle. You will never be able to trick that little ghrelin gremlin to stop sending hunger signals to the brain. Instead, to maintain a great physique, you can partake in a few intense exercise sessions per week to help decrease ghrelin levels. Since this fat hormone is a key factor to fat reduction, you may want to stick to exercise rather than skipping out on important meals.

Leptin the hormone also known as adipokine, is released solely from the fat cells in your body. This wonderful hormone interacts with your brain and promotes less hunger, and an overall heightened calorie burn. In order to heighten leptin sensitivity, you must ensure adequate sleep and an antioxidant rich diet loaded with berries, and red and green vegetables. As you lose weight, your leptin levels will become enhanced, causing more momentum and sensitivity. As you continue to lose weight and continue down a healthier path to success, leptin will become even more effective within your body.

Adiponectin is yet another adipokine hormone, but unlike leptin, as you become thinner, your fat cells will release more adiponectin. This hormone better enables the muscles in your body to speed up the production of body fat being broken down, turns carbohydrates into energy, boosts your metabolism, and curbs appetite. Maximize your adiponectin levels by replacing carbohydrates with monounsaturated fats such as; olives and avocados, also moving around more during the day (get up from your desk at least hourly to take a quick stroll around the office.

Insulin plays a key role during recovery periods after exercising, muscle building, and maintaining blood sugar levels. Insulin does however have it’s nasty down side. When your body’s carbohydrate intakes are high, insulin has free rein inside your body, it can slow or even completely stop the burn and breakdown of stored fats. As you may not have known, the link between carbohydrates and insulin is extremely strong. Let’s look at it this way, the more carbohydrates you ingest into your body, the higher the levels of insulin being released into the body. In order to keep your insulin levels under control, try and work toward getting the majority of your daily carbohydrates from your fruits and vegetables.

The hormone glucagon is on the opposite side of the spectrum from insulin. As we already know, insulin is involved in the storage of carbohydrates and building up fat. Glucagon’s job is to release stored carbohydrates and fats into the body so they can be better used for energy purposes. Looking to maximize this wonder hormone? The best way to maximize your body’s glucagon release is to go for a low carbohydrate, protein rich, diet.

Cholecystokinin, also known as CCK is a hormone which is released from cells found inside of the intestine when you eat fats or protein. CCK has the ability to communicate with your nervous system and slow the overall rate of digestion. CCK creates that sought after feeling of being fuller for longer. In order to take advantage of this hormone, you must make sure you have a sufficient amount of fats and protein in each and every meal throughout your day.

This fight or flight hormone, takes charge of the burning of fat and is released into the body as means of energy. A great attribute that epinephrine can offer, is it’s proven success with suppressing appetite for periods of time. Regular exercise is recommended to really get the epinephrine kick started in your body.

Growth Hormone
Also known as “the fountain of youth”, this powerful hormone helps with total body fat reduction. The growth hormone collaborates with the body’s fat cells and persuades them to first break down, then ultimately burn fats that have been stored for energy. It is 100 percent possible to increase your body’s levels of growth hormone through a healthy balance of intense intervals of exercise and regular sleep.

Now that we have taken a look at how we can aid in weight loss from inside the body, it becomes far more obvious that our hormones play a huge factor in the body fat burning and gaining process. All and all, we must first become familiar with our insides before we can become successful on the outside

Sunday, April 21, 2013


When it comes to the dreaded scale weigh in, even the tiniest amount of weight loss can make all the
difference in the world. Dropping even a few pounds will improve your confidence, and give you the strength to continue on your journey to a healthier self. We are all very familiar with that irritating last few pounds, and know those last pounds are the most difficult to lose. We’re going to take a look at how to kick it up a couple of notches without deprivation. Give these ten easy rules a shot, and you just may be able reach your goal weight, while maintaining not only a healthy body, but also a new level of confidence!

Portion Control
Portion sizes seem to keep growing over the years, looking almost super-sized these days. These larger food portions offered at restaurants and fast food joints make it far too easy to consume excess calories, even when healthy foods are being eaten. The best way to avoid the famous calorie trap is to be mindful and educated about proper portion sizes. For each meal always try and make sure a good half of your plate is loaded with colorful vegetables and fruits, and when eating a serving of meat, it should be no bigger than the palm of your hand.

Ditch the “Low-Fat” Labels
More and more people are coming to terms with the reality that the all famous “low fat” labels are nothing more than a diet trap. Many studies have shown that the calorie content in low fat items is actually boosted with thickeners, flours, and sugars. In addition, they contain white carbohydrates that digest very quickly and almost immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. This process causes what we all know to be the classic “sugar high followed by crash”, which enables feelings of hunger. A low fat label should never be seen as a green light to eat as much as you want, and realistically should be avoided at all costs.

Rev Up Your Metabolism
Metabolism is a process in which your body converts food into energy. If your weight loss is at a dead stop, you may need a little metabolism jolt. Luckily, there are many easy ways to get your fat burning engine back up and running in tip top shape. Try drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of fiber and greens, and stay focused on your exercise regime.

Protein & Greens
Get your metabolism working harder by forcing it to digest high fibers found in green vegetables. Filling up on greens will not only make your metabolism work harder, it will also curb food cravings in the process. Fish is packed with protein and contains omega 3 fatty acids which increase fat burning enzymes, so add more protein to your diet by eating two meals including fish per week. Since your body burns double the calories by digesting proteins, cut out the carbohydrates and opt for healthier options.

Add A Little Spice
Capsaicin is a bioactive ingredient that certain plants contain which makes them hot and spicy. These ingredients can also double the body’s energy expenditure for up to three hours after a meal has been consumed. Any of the plants found within this family are high on the list for boosting metabolism. Some of the more common plants include; habaneros, jalapenos, red peppers, tabasco, and cayenne.

Say Goodbye to Artificial Sweeteners
Studies upon studies have connected artificial sweeteners to weight gain. Since artificial sweeteners are the key ingredient in many popular “weight loss” foods available to consumers, no wonder so many people are having such a hard time losing excess weight. Go ahead and give artificial sweeteners the boot, and enjoy life’s natural sweeteners like rich dark chocolate and juicy fresh fruits.

Don’t Surrender to Soda
This may sound crazy, but the average American drinks 53 gallons of soda a year! That equals out to approximately 49 pounds of sugar. In addition to the obvious “sugar”, soda drinks are jam packed with unnatural and unhealthy amounts of high fructose corn syrup, which is very difficult for the body to process. Diet sodas prove to be no better than regular soda’s since they are jam packed with artificial sweeteners, ultimately contributing to weight gain and other unhealthy conditions. Lastly, the carbonation in soda’s cause air bubbles to form and expand in your abdomen, spreading carbon dioxide gases around the stomach, which causes excess bloating.

Bust a Move!
A key part of any effective weight loss routine is exercise. Many fitness experts say that at a minimum, you should be walking at least ten thousand steps per day. Now this may seem like a lot, but once you take the elevator and skip those cab rides, you will reach that goal no problem. In addition to your daily walk about, you should try and select a workout routine that best suits you.

Fill Up On H2O
Not only is water is healthy, it can help you shed excess pounds. If your urine is clear, you are most likely drinking the right amount of water.

Enjoy Whole Grains
Whole grains are loaded with fiber, and will keep you feeling fuller longer. So why not ditch white pastas, breads and flour, and switch to whole grains. Revamp your kitchen with fiber rich whole grain carbohydrates such as: Oatmeal, Quinoa, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and whole wheat bread.

Cleanse Your Body
You’ve tried all of these suggestions, and you still can’t seem to shed those last few pounds? You may want to try a good old fashioned cleanse. Cleansing your body is a great way to rid yourself of toxins that may be the underlying cause of inflammation and bloating. A weekend cleanse is a great way to revitalize and detoxify your body.

Life by these ten rules, and your body will be functioning in full force for many years to come.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


The word “superfood” has been popping up everywhere from supermarkets to Dr.’s offices over the past few years, and it has many of us asking “what exactly is a superfood, and why are they so beneficial to our health”? Let’s take a look at ten of the most powerful superfoods for women and how they can lower your risk of cancer, sharpen up your memory, and give you a little boost of immunity.

The Power of Berries
Raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, and more! These dark powerhouses help protect against breast, ovarian, and other cancers. With a higher level of antioxidants to any other food, berries have the power to protect your vision, protect against urinary tract infections, and neutralize cells that have been damaged. The best part is, there is no right or wrong way to eat them! Fresh or frozen berries can be eaten alone or tossed in with some of your favorite yogurt, cereal, salads, or even a smoothie. You should aim toward eating a half to one cup of berries daily to benefit from the healing properties berries have to offer.

As one of the best sources of healthy fats, salmon contains properties which protect the brain and heart. Due to such high traces of omega 3 fatty acids, this cold water fish protects against against many devastating diseases such as; cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer’s to name a few. The healing doesn’t end there; salmon is at the top of the list as one of the only foods that can supply each of the vitamins within the B family. Working B vitamin into your diet is great since it can naturally boost energy levels, as well as help in the battle to fight depression. In order to fully benefit from the healing properties of salmon, you should aim at eating two servings per week.

Go Green!
Dark, leafy greens such as; chard, spinach, and kale, are very rich in folate, a vitamin which helps repair damaged cells. These dark, leafy greens are loaded with all sorts of vitamins, fiber, and other beneficial nutrients. In addition, these greens can help reduce stress, and are loaded with iron which is great for pregnant women and women battling period cramps. Like any other vegetable, you can eat these raw or cooked, the possibilities are limitless! You should aim at having at least four servings per week in order to fully benefit from the effects of greens!

Quinoa, Oats, and Whole Wheat
These guys will greatly pump up your fiber intake, and will help you lower poor cholesterol levels, while helping you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Whole grains such as; oats, quinoa, brown rice, barley, and buckwheat, fall into the “healthy carbohydrates” category due to their high fiber content. These little guys can be held responsible for slowing down food absorption and inhibiting your blood sugar from spiking at high rates. A great way to work these healthy whole grains into your diet is by making sure at least half of your daily grain intake are whole grains. In order to properly benefit from whole grains, you should aim toward having two to three servings daily.

Go Nuts!
Amongst a long list of nuts, walnuts and almonds are right up there on the list of one of the best sources of healthy fats. They may be small, but they are loaded with power, and the ability to lower cholesterol and protect both the brain and the heart. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, nuts still remain a great source of protein, and are extremely rich in essential vitamins and minerals. To top it all off, nuts also contain both monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids which are both hugely recognized when it comes to reducing the risk of heart disease. Claim the benefits nuts have to offer by loading up on one to two ounces per daily.

Squash, Sweet potatoes, And Carrots
Hardy, deep orange and yellow vegetables work wonders when it comes to protection against ovarian and breast cancer. In order to benefit from the goodness these vegetables have to offer, aim for one cup daily or a total of six cups per week.

Along with various other vitamins, calcium found in yogurt not only strengthens bones, but it also protects the digestive system by providing a healthy balance of bacteria. In addition, this creamy snack is a great source of protein. A low fat plain yogurt or low fat Greek yogurt will give you just the right healthy dose of probiotics. In order to benefit from this delicious treat, you should eat four or more cups weekly.

Legumes and Beans
Legumes and beans are loaded with protein which build bone and muscle tissue, while filling up your body with real long lasting energy. Looking for a great source of protein? Snack on lentils, peas, and dry beans, they are not only packed with protein but they are also high in fiber. Incorporate varieties of beans such as; garbanzo, kidney, black, lima, and kidney in stews, burritos, soups, and more. Like what you hear? Aim toward eating up to three cups weekly.

Green Tea
The flavonoids found within green tea have been found to help bring strength to the immune system to fight against forms of cancer and other diseases. In addition, flavonoids also contain anti-inflammatory properties which help our immune system stay youthful. In order to benefit from the fabulous flavonoids found within green tea, you should aim at drinking between two to three cups daily.

This rich creamy wonder is jam packed with vitamins, essential nutrients, and heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, avocados are filled with nutrients that reduce cholesterol, promote healthy vision, and contain an unlimited amount of heart healthy fiber. And to top things off, the monounsaturated fats inside of avocados can actually help you lose stubborn stomach fat. To benefit from the long list of benefits avocados have to offer, aim at eating one fifth of an avocado daily.

Many of you may have already been eating some of these “superfoods” without even knowing the healthy properties they have to offer. If this is the case, then keep on eating! If you are new at the whole “superfoods” craze, you might want to try some of these out and see how they may just be beneficial to your lifestyle and health.

Friday, April 19, 2013


by Andrea on August 31, 2012 with 0 Comments in Featured , Weight Loss Tips
Without a doubt, those constant feelings of hunger have got to be the hardest part when it comes to dieting. Having a hard time getting past the hunger pains in an attempt to lose a few extra pounds? It’s time to kick unwanted and false feelings of hunger in the butt. Let’s keep our weight under control and take a look at some of the best appetite suppressants that will put a stop those feelings of starvation once and for all! It’s time to take control by gaining the will power needed to successfully play out your weight loss journey.

Also known as “nature’s skinny sponge”, and derived from the roots of konjac plants, glucomannan is a soluble fiber that can literally soak up those feelings of hunger. This supplement supports overall weight loss by soaking up water located within the digestive tract, and reducing levels of cholesterol and carbohydrate absorption. Not only does glucomannan work its magic within the digestive track, it also has the ability to keep you feeling fuller for longer without the bloated and gassy aftermath that you receive after eating many different varieties of foods. Glucomannan can be consumed in three different formats, keep in mind one isn’t better than the other, and it’s all about personal preference.

Glucomannan Powder
If you are a morning smoothie kind of person, you will love glucomannan powder since you can easily add it to your favorite smoothie. In addition, this powder can easily be added to other drinks, all sorts of foods, and even sauces.

Glucomannan Noodles
Also known as “shirataki”, you can find these noodles made from glucomannan at local markets, natural food stores, and even online. Chewing on glucomannan will keep you feeling fuller longer, and ultimately leading to increased weight loss. Enjoy these noodles by boiling then add to your favorite pasta or salad.

Glucomannan Supplement
This last option seems to be the most convenient of the three and is perfect for the “on the go” type. To properly benefit from this supplement, take one capsule before meals, three times daily, while maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil has a very high content of linoleic acid, a fatty acid, which contains hunger controlling properties, so you are left feeling fuller for longer. To reap from the benefits of grapeseed oil, you should aim at having two teaspoons two hours before lunch daily.

Griffonia Simplicifolia
Located within a West African plant, the seeds of the griffonia simplicifolia are the main ingredient in the supplement also referred to as 5-HTP. Some of you may be familiar with this powerful supplement containing properties that can boost levels of serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter that has hunger suppressing capabilities, ultimately controlling weight gain. If you are looking to profit from this the effects of this powerful supplement, take 200mg, three times daily.

Pine Nuts
Containing the highest protein content of any nut, pine nuts can be considered a top contender on the list of hunger suppressants. To top it all off, the pine nut also contains pinolenic acid, which is a naturally occurring fat that triggers cholecystokinin and glucagon peptide. What does all of this mean? Well simply put, they are both very powerful hormones that send signals to brain letting it know that the stomach is full. To benefit and suppress unwanted feelings of hunger, enjoy one shot glass full of pine nuts daily.

So there you have it, curbing cravings has never been easier. You no longer have to go about your day feeling starved waiting extended periods for your next meal. You can maintain both your weight and diet, and leave the cravings in the dust!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Ever wonder why you just can’t seem to shed those few final pounds or you just can’t seem to make any weight loss progress what-so-ever? There are several factors that may be holding you back from reaching those final steps. Let’s take a look at six of the most common links to why you’re body is not allowing you to shed that unwanted weight.

You’re Lacking In The Zzzzz’s Department
Studies have shown that those who are lacking in the sleep department tend to show a higher production of a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol has been directly linked to fat storage within the body, along with heightened levels of stress. If that alone isn’t bad enough, links have also been made between both a lack of sleep, and elevated levels of the hunger hormones “ghrelin” and “leptin”, which ultimately predict when our bodies are hungry or full! So remember, some things can wait, but sleep isn’t one of them! Get rested up, and you may just see a difference in not only your weight, but also your eating habits.
You’re Guilty Of Following A “Fad Diet”
Many fad diets don’t focus on long term change, which makes the majority of them non fail proof. Many people just want a “quick fix” to drop that extra and unwanted ten pounds, but never really give thought to how this will effect them in the long run. In order to take on a new diet and eating habits, you need to be willing to stick to the goals you have set for yourself over time. Since diets don’t specifically target each individual’s lifestyle and eating habits, you need to take the time to research the diet you wish to follow, then make sure it will work for you. When it comes to dieting, everything doesn’t have to be black and white, and that’s often where people fall behind. There is no such thing as an unfair diet. If you are serious about making a life change, you will ditch the quick fix and easy strategies for weight loss, and focus more on what works best for you.

You’re A Late Night Eater
A major problem for late night eaters, is that they are simply not consuming enough food during the day. As we all know, by the end of the work day, if you’re tired and starved, you are bound to eat whatever is most convenient at the time, which ends up being junk food or take out. This trap will often leave you eating a bulk of your day’s calories at a time when your metabolism is beginning to slow down. A good way to avoid this late night binge, is to make sure you are eating a balance of foods throughout the day. Try planning your meals in advance, aim for healthy whole foods including fruits and veggies. Remember, if you’re giving your body what it needs throughout the day, it won’t be begging for late night snacks! In addition, try and tame down on eating anything after 6pm, since this is normally when you start to shut down for the night.

You’re Snacking On The Not So Good Stuff
Snacking doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it all comes down to planning and impulsiveness. Snacks that are planned ahead of time are more than ok, as long as they are chosen wisely. Healthy and controlled snacking is the key to a healthy diet. Ditch the vending machine and opt for some diced veggies and dip!

You’re Indulging In Too Much Of One Thing
As the saying goes “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing”. Simply put, this saying speaks volumes when it comes to food. A diet full of variety and rich in fruits and vegetables will do the body good. So even if you’re a picky eater, try out new things, you may just be surprised at how much you actually like those dark green veggies!

You’re Exercise Routine Has Become Boring
No matter how exciting your fitness plan may be, we all know how tedious it can become sticking with the exact same exercise routine day after day. When we become bored with our exercise program, we quickly become discouraged. In order to kick this in the butt before it happens, switch your routine up by trying different exercises each day of the week, focusing on a different part’s of the body. Vary your routine so you don’t become bored! It will make a world of difference.
If you have been having troubles in the weight loss department and just can’t seem to come to a reasonable conclusion, you may want to go over your daily routine and ask yourself if you are lacking in any of these checkpoints. If your answer is yes, it can’t hurt to give one or more of these suggestions a try!

Monday, April 15, 2013


New diet fads come and go, but if you simply get back to the basics in terms of a healthy lifestyle, you will be doing yourself a huge favor while at the same time, giving yourself the ability to drop unwanted pounds. Let’s take a look at 20 of the easy tips and tricks that have proven successful weight loss and have literally stood the test of time, while other fads have come and gone showing little to no success.

Never Skip Breakfast
Allowing yourself to enjoy a healthy and well balanced breakfast, will not only give you the energy you need to make it through the day, but will also keep your current diet in check.

Nibble Your Food
Slow down and actually enjoy your meal. Research has shown that the more we chew our food, the better it will metabolize in our bodies. When it comes to dessert, always use the three bite rule. Choose a smaller sized dessert or a half sized portion, have three small bites, then walk away and don’t look back.

Burn Baby Burn
When exercising, make sure you take a 30 second rest between sets. Stick to right around 30 seconds, and you will see a huge difference in your overall calorie burn.

Say No to Late Night Snacking
When it comes to late night eating, make sure you are done snacking at least two to three hours before you hit the sack for the night. Your metabolism dramatically slows down during periods of sleep, during this time, your body starts to store fats rather than burn them.

Question Your Cravings
Before you grab for that unhealthy snack, ask yourself if you are actually hungry. Oftentimes, you are eating out of boredom not hunger. So next time your body is tricking you into snacking, pick up a book, or go for a walk in the park instead.

Get Your Zzzzzzz’s
Get a solid six to eight hours of sleep each and every night. Without proper sleep, the appetite hormone in your body known as ghrelin will increase. This increase of ghrelin can result in unwanted weight gain.

Prepare Your Lunch At Home
Go old school and dust off your lunch box. Recent studies have shown that people who choose to eat at a restaurant or fast food establishment even once a week, tend to lose less weight than those who pack a lunch daily.

Don’t Forget Your Greens
Eat your veggies at the beginning of your meal to insure that you are eating more of them and less of other high calorie items that come later on in the meal.

Don’t Be Scared To Snack
Snacking isn’t always terrible; in fact, you should aim at eating every three hours. Splitting up meals and snacks will help you say no to those unhealthy temptations throughout the day.

Set Goals
If you set weight loss goals, you will be more apt to stay motivated for the duration of your program.

Allow For A Cheat Day
Resist cravings like a pro knowing that you have set one day aside to indulge in whatever you wish. As time goes on, your cravings for unhealthy foods will soon start to fade.

Take Notes
Keeping a food journal forces you to be in charge and responsible of exactly what you are putting into your mouth. Those who keep a food journal tend to lose more weight than those who don’t since they are fully aware of what they are eating at all times.

Avoid The Grocery Store When You’re Hungry
Be sure to always do your shopping on a full stomach with a detailed list of what you need. There is nothing worse than going into a grocery store on an empty stomach.

Goodbye Soda
Did you know that drinking soda on a regular basis can actually make muscles less likely to burn fat? Next time you are craving that cola, walk away and opt for water infused with fresh fruits.

Load Up On Fibre And Protein
Fill up on lean protein, vegetables, seeds, and nuts, until you’re fully satisfied.

Ditch The Bubbles
Cut the carbonation! Carbonated drinks will make your stomach bloat, making it appear ballooned for hours created an illusion of weight gain.

The Apple Test
If you’re hungry, snack on an apple, if you don’t want that apple, you’re not really all that hungry.

Cut The Carbs
If you make it a rule to cut the carbs after lunch, you will lose weight and see results in little to no time.

Add It Up
Wondering how many calories you should be eating daily? Weight yourself and add a zero to that number. This number the correct amount of calories you should be having daily. For example: If you weigh 130pounds, you should aim to eat around 1300 calories.

Take A Walk
Get out and take a 10-15 minute walk after each meal and you will quickly burn at least 100 calories.
These simple strategies may not necessarily be as exciting as the most recent diet fad, but each and every one of these tips and tricks are guaranteed to never let you down!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Food rules make these changes to your diet to lose weight and get a flat tummy fast!
1 Cut the C.R.A.P: Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods.
2 But allow yourself a weekly cheat meal. Once a week, enjoy an indulgent meal of whatever you fancy, from creamy pasta to a slice of chocolate cake with cream. As ong as you're eating clean, healthy food the rest of the time, an occasional high-fat treat actually speeds up your metabolism.
3 Take fish oil supplements: They burn fat and supply essential fatty acids.
4 Always have breakfast: Eat within one hour of waking up. If you don't have time for a proper breakfast, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.
5 Don't eat after 8pm: Eating a large meal in the evening when your body is slowing down or sleeping is a bad idea for your digestion and weight.
Five food swaps for flat Abs
Bad croissants: Full of fat, sugar and no goodness Milk Most non-organic milk is filled with hormones Standard yoghurt Most are full of sugar Margarine Full of chemicals Beer High sugar and calories
Better wholemeal bread: Fibre is good for digestion Organic milk It's chemical-free Organic yoghurt It's free from pesticides Olive oil spread Full of essential fatty acids Organic cider Less alcohol and calories.
Best spelt bread: No tummy-bloating gluten
Organic almond milk: Doesn't contain lactose that can cause bloating Organic full-fat yoghurt Makes you feel full and is less sugary than low-fat options Organic butter Natural and additive free Good red wine Grape skin contains resveratrol, a great antioxidant
Breathing squat
- Go slow and low and repeat 10 times
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms out and parallel to floor

Healthy Progress
- Inhale through the nose, then lower your bottom down as far as is still comfortable while exhaling l Pause for a few seconds, then inhale as you come up
Energy push Great for digestion - breathe slowly and repeat 20 times
- Take a comfortable stance with feet shoulder width apart, arms in front of you, palms facing down
- Inhale and pull hands back towards your shoulders
- Exhale, pushing your arms back out to starting position Leg tuck Great for lower abs - repeat 10 times
- Lie back, feet on floor, knees bent l Inhale then bring knees into your chest as you exhale
- Inhale again as you return your feet to the floor


Who ever said diets were easy, was right, as long as you’re well educated and prepared before jumping into any unknown territories. The word diet isn’t necessarily a foreign word, so why does it end up feeling so foreign when trying to wrap your mind around it? Yes, we are all quite familiar when it comes to having the very best of intentions, and we have all gone through one or even many disappointing experiences that ultimately caused more harm than good. If your diet keeps stalling and you have no idea what you’re doing wrong, you may be making common mistakes that you can easily undo today. Let’s look at four common factors that could be preventing you from fully fulfilling your diet.
Are You Gluten Free?
Did you know that when you remove wheat and other grains from your foods, they are often replaced with high calorie oils and sugars? We see this a lot when it comes to gluten free foods which have been processed. Always be aware of what you’re ingesting, and take a look at the label before purchasing foods that have been processed, you may just be in for a huge surprise. If you are really serious about going gluten free, start by becoming informed and surround yourself with information about what’s out there. Whether you have already done the switch to a gluten free lifestyle, or you are considering the switch, always remember, when it comes to going gluten free, there are far better ways to get whole foods into your diet then settling for low grade processed foods. Try out some gluten free whole foods such as; buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth, buckwheat.
Be “Choosey” With Your Fruit
Fruit is a great food to have in the house when you’re dieting, but like any other food, you must not overdo it. The vast majority of fruits rate quite high in fibre, and therefore they scoring low on the glycemic index. What many of you might not know is that some of your favorite fruits which you may be eating daily, contain a fairly higher rating therefore, may be causing spikes in your blood sugar. Oftentimes, the healthiest of people struggle with weight gain, simply because their diet includes far too many highly ranked “sugary” fruits. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen victim to this epidemic. In order to slip past this hazard, you want to aim for filling up on fruits that rate low on the glycemic index such as; apples, and pears. In addition, you want to limit your intake of fruits rating high on the glycemic index such as; dried fruits, melons, and pineapple.
Filling Up On Protein Bars
Many of us are already getting more than enough daily protein, yet we don’t even know it. In fact, maybe scarfing down that protein bar after the afternoon trip to the gym, isn’t necessary after all, and could be doing nothing more than adding extra sugar, fat and calories to your diet. If you are looking for a pick me up to help you until your next meal, skip the protein bar and try snacking on a handful of nuts, a boiled egg, or even some beef jerky. These mid day snacks are packed with fibre and low in sugar. Since many of us aren’t fully aware of the abundance of protein out there, filling up on protein without even realizing has become quite common. It’s a fact that you get a large amount of daily protein from a variety of different foods such as; fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. So ditch the sugary treats, and fill up your protein tank with a variety of clean, healthy choices.
Swapping In Too Much Juice
When on a diet, many people commonly like to swap in juice as a replacement for soda’s, as an attempt to eliminate all of those extra calories. What many people don’t take into consideration is that the majority of juices are jam packed with sugars. Have you ever heard the saying “too much of a good thing may be a bad thing”. Well, in the case of swapping soda’s for juices, people often tend to end up consuming far more than the “suggested” serving, ultimately crashing their diet plan. If you really want to ditch the sugary and calorie filled drinks, go with a nice glass of chilled water loaded with fruit slices. This way you can enjoy the fruity flavors, while knocking out those extra sugars and calories.
Become a little bit healthier today by simply implementing these quick and easy four steps into your daily routine. You may just see results before the week ends!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Best Diet Tips

Grazing between meals used to be on the weight-loss hit list. But nutritionists now know that it's better to satisfy a craving with healthy grub than ignore it and risk a junk-food binge later. The best picks are filling, protein-packed snacks, such as one stick of string cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter on a piece of fruit, or a medium-size bowl of edamame.
Dining while viewing can make you take in 40 percent more calories than usual, reports a new study. And texting, driving, or any other distracting activity during a meal can also result in your eating too much. Instead, make each meal something you put on a plate and sit down to, even if you're eating solo.
If your regular weight increases several days in a row, it's a red flag letting you know you need to cut back a little or beef up your workouts slightly.
Doing 5 minutes each of push-ups, lunges, and squats (in 30-second intervals) will help build and maintain muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, so you'll torch more calories as you go about your day.
Next time your mind gets stuck on a certain food, call a friend and redirect your brain by asking how her day's going. Research shows that cravings only last about 5 minutes, so by the time you hang up, the urge to devour junk will have subsided.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Drink Mainly Water

A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don't satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they're a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.

Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it's just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.

1.       Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). YourBMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.

2.      Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculatorto figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.

3.      Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.

4.      Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.