Monday, April 15, 2013


New diet fads come and go, but if you simply get back to the basics in terms of a healthy lifestyle, you will be doing yourself a huge favor while at the same time, giving yourself the ability to drop unwanted pounds. Let’s take a look at 20 of the easy tips and tricks that have proven successful weight loss and have literally stood the test of time, while other fads have come and gone showing little to no success.

Never Skip Breakfast
Allowing yourself to enjoy a healthy and well balanced breakfast, will not only give you the energy you need to make it through the day, but will also keep your current diet in check.

Nibble Your Food
Slow down and actually enjoy your meal. Research has shown that the more we chew our food, the better it will metabolize in our bodies. When it comes to dessert, always use the three bite rule. Choose a smaller sized dessert or a half sized portion, have three small bites, then walk away and don’t look back.

Burn Baby Burn
When exercising, make sure you take a 30 second rest between sets. Stick to right around 30 seconds, and you will see a huge difference in your overall calorie burn.

Say No to Late Night Snacking
When it comes to late night eating, make sure you are done snacking at least two to three hours before you hit the sack for the night. Your metabolism dramatically slows down during periods of sleep, during this time, your body starts to store fats rather than burn them.

Question Your Cravings
Before you grab for that unhealthy snack, ask yourself if you are actually hungry. Oftentimes, you are eating out of boredom not hunger. So next time your body is tricking you into snacking, pick up a book, or go for a walk in the park instead.

Get Your Zzzzzzz’s
Get a solid six to eight hours of sleep each and every night. Without proper sleep, the appetite hormone in your body known as ghrelin will increase. This increase of ghrelin can result in unwanted weight gain.

Prepare Your Lunch At Home
Go old school and dust off your lunch box. Recent studies have shown that people who choose to eat at a restaurant or fast food establishment even once a week, tend to lose less weight than those who pack a lunch daily.

Don’t Forget Your Greens
Eat your veggies at the beginning of your meal to insure that you are eating more of them and less of other high calorie items that come later on in the meal.

Don’t Be Scared To Snack
Snacking isn’t always terrible; in fact, you should aim at eating every three hours. Splitting up meals and snacks will help you say no to those unhealthy temptations throughout the day.

Set Goals
If you set weight loss goals, you will be more apt to stay motivated for the duration of your program.

Allow For A Cheat Day
Resist cravings like a pro knowing that you have set one day aside to indulge in whatever you wish. As time goes on, your cravings for unhealthy foods will soon start to fade.

Take Notes
Keeping a food journal forces you to be in charge and responsible of exactly what you are putting into your mouth. Those who keep a food journal tend to lose more weight than those who don’t since they are fully aware of what they are eating at all times.

Avoid The Grocery Store When You’re Hungry
Be sure to always do your shopping on a full stomach with a detailed list of what you need. There is nothing worse than going into a grocery store on an empty stomach.

Goodbye Soda
Did you know that drinking soda on a regular basis can actually make muscles less likely to burn fat? Next time you are craving that cola, walk away and opt for water infused with fresh fruits.

Load Up On Fibre And Protein
Fill up on lean protein, vegetables, seeds, and nuts, until you’re fully satisfied.

Ditch The Bubbles
Cut the carbonation! Carbonated drinks will make your stomach bloat, making it appear ballooned for hours created an illusion of weight gain.

The Apple Test
If you’re hungry, snack on an apple, if you don’t want that apple, you’re not really all that hungry.

Cut The Carbs
If you make it a rule to cut the carbs after lunch, you will lose weight and see results in little to no time.

Add It Up
Wondering how many calories you should be eating daily? Weight yourself and add a zero to that number. This number the correct amount of calories you should be having daily. For example: If you weigh 130pounds, you should aim to eat around 1300 calories.

Take A Walk
Get out and take a 10-15 minute walk after each meal and you will quickly burn at least 100 calories.
These simple strategies may not necessarily be as exciting as the most recent diet fad, but each and every one of these tips and tricks are guaranteed to never let you down!

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