Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Ever wonder why you just can’t seem to shed those few final pounds or you just can’t seem to make any weight loss progress what-so-ever? There are several factors that may be holding you back from reaching those final steps. Let’s take a look at six of the most common links to why you’re body is not allowing you to shed that unwanted weight.

You’re Lacking In The Zzzzz’s Department
Studies have shown that those who are lacking in the sleep department tend to show a higher production of a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol has been directly linked to fat storage within the body, along with heightened levels of stress. If that alone isn’t bad enough, links have also been made between both a lack of sleep, and elevated levels of the hunger hormones “ghrelin” and “leptin”, which ultimately predict when our bodies are hungry or full! So remember, some things can wait, but sleep isn’t one of them! Get rested up, and you may just see a difference in not only your weight, but also your eating habits.
You’re Guilty Of Following A “Fad Diet”
Many fad diets don’t focus on long term change, which makes the majority of them non fail proof. Many people just want a “quick fix” to drop that extra and unwanted ten pounds, but never really give thought to how this will effect them in the long run. In order to take on a new diet and eating habits, you need to be willing to stick to the goals you have set for yourself over time. Since diets don’t specifically target each individual’s lifestyle and eating habits, you need to take the time to research the diet you wish to follow, then make sure it will work for you. When it comes to dieting, everything doesn’t have to be black and white, and that’s often where people fall behind. There is no such thing as an unfair diet. If you are serious about making a life change, you will ditch the quick fix and easy strategies for weight loss, and focus more on what works best for you.

You’re A Late Night Eater
A major problem for late night eaters, is that they are simply not consuming enough food during the day. As we all know, by the end of the work day, if you’re tired and starved, you are bound to eat whatever is most convenient at the time, which ends up being junk food or take out. This trap will often leave you eating a bulk of your day’s calories at a time when your metabolism is beginning to slow down. A good way to avoid this late night binge, is to make sure you are eating a balance of foods throughout the day. Try planning your meals in advance, aim for healthy whole foods including fruits and veggies. Remember, if you’re giving your body what it needs throughout the day, it won’t be begging for late night snacks! In addition, try and tame down on eating anything after 6pm, since this is normally when you start to shut down for the night.

You’re Snacking On The Not So Good Stuff
Snacking doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it all comes down to planning and impulsiveness. Snacks that are planned ahead of time are more than ok, as long as they are chosen wisely. Healthy and controlled snacking is the key to a healthy diet. Ditch the vending machine and opt for some diced veggies and dip!

You’re Indulging In Too Much Of One Thing
As the saying goes “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing”. Simply put, this saying speaks volumes when it comes to food. A diet full of variety and rich in fruits and vegetables will do the body good. So even if you’re a picky eater, try out new things, you may just be surprised at how much you actually like those dark green veggies!

You’re Exercise Routine Has Become Boring
No matter how exciting your fitness plan may be, we all know how tedious it can become sticking with the exact same exercise routine day after day. When we become bored with our exercise program, we quickly become discouraged. In order to kick this in the butt before it happens, switch your routine up by trying different exercises each day of the week, focusing on a different part’s of the body. Vary your routine so you don’t become bored! It will make a world of difference.
If you have been having troubles in the weight loss department and just can’t seem to come to a reasonable conclusion, you may want to go over your daily routine and ask yourself if you are lacking in any of these checkpoints. If your answer is yes, it can’t hurt to give one or more of these suggestions a try!

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