Saturday, April 20, 2013


The word “superfood” has been popping up everywhere from supermarkets to Dr.’s offices over the past few years, and it has many of us asking “what exactly is a superfood, and why are they so beneficial to our health”? Let’s take a look at ten of the most powerful superfoods for women and how they can lower your risk of cancer, sharpen up your memory, and give you a little boost of immunity.

The Power of Berries
Raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, and more! These dark powerhouses help protect against breast, ovarian, and other cancers. With a higher level of antioxidants to any other food, berries have the power to protect your vision, protect against urinary tract infections, and neutralize cells that have been damaged. The best part is, there is no right or wrong way to eat them! Fresh or frozen berries can be eaten alone or tossed in with some of your favorite yogurt, cereal, salads, or even a smoothie. You should aim toward eating a half to one cup of berries daily to benefit from the healing properties berries have to offer.

As one of the best sources of healthy fats, salmon contains properties which protect the brain and heart. Due to such high traces of omega 3 fatty acids, this cold water fish protects against against many devastating diseases such as; cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer’s to name a few. The healing doesn’t end there; salmon is at the top of the list as one of the only foods that can supply each of the vitamins within the B family. Working B vitamin into your diet is great since it can naturally boost energy levels, as well as help in the battle to fight depression. In order to fully benefit from the healing properties of salmon, you should aim at eating two servings per week.

Go Green!
Dark, leafy greens such as; chard, spinach, and kale, are very rich in folate, a vitamin which helps repair damaged cells. These dark, leafy greens are loaded with all sorts of vitamins, fiber, and other beneficial nutrients. In addition, these greens can help reduce stress, and are loaded with iron which is great for pregnant women and women battling period cramps. Like any other vegetable, you can eat these raw or cooked, the possibilities are limitless! You should aim at having at least four servings per week in order to fully benefit from the effects of greens!

Quinoa, Oats, and Whole Wheat
These guys will greatly pump up your fiber intake, and will help you lower poor cholesterol levels, while helping you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Whole grains such as; oats, quinoa, brown rice, barley, and buckwheat, fall into the “healthy carbohydrates” category due to their high fiber content. These little guys can be held responsible for slowing down food absorption and inhibiting your blood sugar from spiking at high rates. A great way to work these healthy whole grains into your diet is by making sure at least half of your daily grain intake are whole grains. In order to properly benefit from whole grains, you should aim toward having two to three servings daily.

Go Nuts!
Amongst a long list of nuts, walnuts and almonds are right up there on the list of one of the best sources of healthy fats. They may be small, but they are loaded with power, and the ability to lower cholesterol and protect both the brain and the heart. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, nuts still remain a great source of protein, and are extremely rich in essential vitamins and minerals. To top it all off, nuts also contain both monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids which are both hugely recognized when it comes to reducing the risk of heart disease. Claim the benefits nuts have to offer by loading up on one to two ounces per daily.

Squash, Sweet potatoes, And Carrots
Hardy, deep orange and yellow vegetables work wonders when it comes to protection against ovarian and breast cancer. In order to benefit from the goodness these vegetables have to offer, aim for one cup daily or a total of six cups per week.

Along with various other vitamins, calcium found in yogurt not only strengthens bones, but it also protects the digestive system by providing a healthy balance of bacteria. In addition, this creamy snack is a great source of protein. A low fat plain yogurt or low fat Greek yogurt will give you just the right healthy dose of probiotics. In order to benefit from this delicious treat, you should eat four or more cups weekly.

Legumes and Beans
Legumes and beans are loaded with protein which build bone and muscle tissue, while filling up your body with real long lasting energy. Looking for a great source of protein? Snack on lentils, peas, and dry beans, they are not only packed with protein but they are also high in fiber. Incorporate varieties of beans such as; garbanzo, kidney, black, lima, and kidney in stews, burritos, soups, and more. Like what you hear? Aim toward eating up to three cups weekly.

Green Tea
The flavonoids found within green tea have been found to help bring strength to the immune system to fight against forms of cancer and other diseases. In addition, flavonoids also contain anti-inflammatory properties which help our immune system stay youthful. In order to benefit from the fabulous flavonoids found within green tea, you should aim at drinking between two to three cups daily.

This rich creamy wonder is jam packed with vitamins, essential nutrients, and heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, avocados are filled with nutrients that reduce cholesterol, promote healthy vision, and contain an unlimited amount of heart healthy fiber. And to top things off, the monounsaturated fats inside of avocados can actually help you lose stubborn stomach fat. To benefit from the long list of benefits avocados have to offer, aim at eating one fifth of an avocado daily.

Many of you may have already been eating some of these “superfoods” without even knowing the healthy properties they have to offer. If this is the case, then keep on eating! If you are new at the whole “superfoods” craze, you might want to try some of these out and see how they may just be beneficial to your lifestyle and health.

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