Sunday, April 21, 2013


When it comes to the dreaded scale weigh in, even the tiniest amount of weight loss can make all the
difference in the world. Dropping even a few pounds will improve your confidence, and give you the strength to continue on your journey to a healthier self. We are all very familiar with that irritating last few pounds, and know those last pounds are the most difficult to lose. We’re going to take a look at how to kick it up a couple of notches without deprivation. Give these ten easy rules a shot, and you just may be able reach your goal weight, while maintaining not only a healthy body, but also a new level of confidence!

Portion Control
Portion sizes seem to keep growing over the years, looking almost super-sized these days. These larger food portions offered at restaurants and fast food joints make it far too easy to consume excess calories, even when healthy foods are being eaten. The best way to avoid the famous calorie trap is to be mindful and educated about proper portion sizes. For each meal always try and make sure a good half of your plate is loaded with colorful vegetables and fruits, and when eating a serving of meat, it should be no bigger than the palm of your hand.

Ditch the “Low-Fat” Labels
More and more people are coming to terms with the reality that the all famous “low fat” labels are nothing more than a diet trap. Many studies have shown that the calorie content in low fat items is actually boosted with thickeners, flours, and sugars. In addition, they contain white carbohydrates that digest very quickly and almost immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. This process causes what we all know to be the classic “sugar high followed by crash”, which enables feelings of hunger. A low fat label should never be seen as a green light to eat as much as you want, and realistically should be avoided at all costs.

Rev Up Your Metabolism
Metabolism is a process in which your body converts food into energy. If your weight loss is at a dead stop, you may need a little metabolism jolt. Luckily, there are many easy ways to get your fat burning engine back up and running in tip top shape. Try drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of fiber and greens, and stay focused on your exercise regime.

Protein & Greens
Get your metabolism working harder by forcing it to digest high fibers found in green vegetables. Filling up on greens will not only make your metabolism work harder, it will also curb food cravings in the process. Fish is packed with protein and contains omega 3 fatty acids which increase fat burning enzymes, so add more protein to your diet by eating two meals including fish per week. Since your body burns double the calories by digesting proteins, cut out the carbohydrates and opt for healthier options.

Add A Little Spice
Capsaicin is a bioactive ingredient that certain plants contain which makes them hot and spicy. These ingredients can also double the body’s energy expenditure for up to three hours after a meal has been consumed. Any of the plants found within this family are high on the list for boosting metabolism. Some of the more common plants include; habaneros, jalapenos, red peppers, tabasco, and cayenne.

Say Goodbye to Artificial Sweeteners
Studies upon studies have connected artificial sweeteners to weight gain. Since artificial sweeteners are the key ingredient in many popular “weight loss” foods available to consumers, no wonder so many people are having such a hard time losing excess weight. Go ahead and give artificial sweeteners the boot, and enjoy life’s natural sweeteners like rich dark chocolate and juicy fresh fruits.

Don’t Surrender to Soda
This may sound crazy, but the average American drinks 53 gallons of soda a year! That equals out to approximately 49 pounds of sugar. In addition to the obvious “sugar”, soda drinks are jam packed with unnatural and unhealthy amounts of high fructose corn syrup, which is very difficult for the body to process. Diet sodas prove to be no better than regular soda’s since they are jam packed with artificial sweeteners, ultimately contributing to weight gain and other unhealthy conditions. Lastly, the carbonation in soda’s cause air bubbles to form and expand in your abdomen, spreading carbon dioxide gases around the stomach, which causes excess bloating.

Bust a Move!
A key part of any effective weight loss routine is exercise. Many fitness experts say that at a minimum, you should be walking at least ten thousand steps per day. Now this may seem like a lot, but once you take the elevator and skip those cab rides, you will reach that goal no problem. In addition to your daily walk about, you should try and select a workout routine that best suits you.

Fill Up On H2O
Not only is water is healthy, it can help you shed excess pounds. If your urine is clear, you are most likely drinking the right amount of water.

Enjoy Whole Grains
Whole grains are loaded with fiber, and will keep you feeling fuller longer. So why not ditch white pastas, breads and flour, and switch to whole grains. Revamp your kitchen with fiber rich whole grain carbohydrates such as: Oatmeal, Quinoa, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and whole wheat bread.

Cleanse Your Body
You’ve tried all of these suggestions, and you still can’t seem to shed those last few pounds? You may want to try a good old fashioned cleanse. Cleansing your body is a great way to rid yourself of toxins that may be the underlying cause of inflammation and bloating. A weekend cleanse is a great way to revitalize and detoxify your body.

Life by these ten rules, and your body will be functioning in full force for many years to come.

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