Sunday, August 11, 2013

Green Tea for Weight Loss

These days’ people face a lot of peer pressure in maintaining their looks, but owing to the woes of work schedules and busy lives, most of them are unable to visit gyms or undertake weight loss programs.

But there is a very healthy alternative that doesn’t take a lot of time. Can you guess what it is?

Yes, it is none other than Green Tea! It is one of the best natural ingredients that you can use to lose weight, especially in the simplest way, by just sipping a cup of green tea every day. It is claimed to be one of the easiest ways for weight loss, thanks to its innumerable medical properties.

green tea for weight loss

Green Tea as compared to the other Teas:

Tea is of three varieties, Green Tea, Black Tea and Oolong Tea; and the only difference between them is in the way they are produced.

Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. The bitter flavour in the green tea is because of these polyphenols, which is known to fight free radicals damaging compounds in the body, which are known to damage DNA, change cells and cause cell death. Scientists believe that free radicals usually contribute to the aging process and also are the reasons for the development of a number of health problems, which include cancer.

The polyphenols, which are present in the green tea, are classified as catechins. Green tea contains six primary catechin compounds: catechin, epigallocatechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, and apigallocatechin gallate (also known as EGCG). The most active of all the polyphenols, which are present in the green tea is EGCG or apigallocatechin gallate.

Green Tea and Its relation to Asian Countries and the World:

Chinese are considered to be the first ones who discovered the medicinal values and health benefits of green tea around 4000 years ago.

Camellia sinensis plant is the name of the plant from which these three kinds of teas (green, black & oolong) are derived. This plant is originally cultivated in East Asia and is grown into a large shrub or a large tree.

Today, it is grown not only in East Asia but throughout Asia and Africa. But it is said that, the best green tea comes from China and Japan owing to its best varieties such as Bancha, Mat’cha and Sencha from Japan; and Hui Ming, Lung Ching or Long Jing, Long Ding, Hua Ding, Qing Ding and Gunpowder from China.

Green tea is of great use in the traditional Indian and Chinese medicinal purposes as it is used as a diuretic to get rid of excess fluid from the body. It also is used as an astringent to heal wounds and control bleeding. It also acts as a stimulant to improve heart health.

There are also many other uses of green tea such as regulating blood sugar and body temperature, improving digestion, treating gas and acidic problems, and improving the mental process and balance.

Green Tea Weight Loss:

Green tea for weight loss has now become a world wide phenomenon. This is because green tea helps in boosting metabolism while burning fats; and its key antioxidant ‘Catechins’ are said to be mainly responsible for the burning of these fats. For people who are overweight and moderately obese, the combination of Green Tea with Caffeine will help lose weight along with maintaining fitness. Researchers also state that caffeine helps in fat oxidation.

The Dutch study on green tea and weight loss, conducted some years back also proved this point. Under the study, participants who drank caffeinated green tea lost more weight, but even those who typically drank the decaf variety saw a decrease in their waistlines and body weight.

In a study which was conducted in Japan, 250 men and women were given varying amounts of green tea extract for three months. Those who got the highest amount lost fat and weight and had lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. If your main goal is to lose weight, then the best way to get the most out of the green tea is to drink it regularly.

benefits of green tea weight loss
It is important to know that green tea alone with not help if you are obese or over weight. You have to combine other weight loose techniques like proper dieting and exercising, and then only green tea will be an excellent addition to loosing weight.

The extra 90 calories per day can be just what is needed to tip the scale from a calorie surplus to a calorie deficit, especially when following a balanced nutrition and exercise regime.

  • Green tea is yet effective for losing weight, but its process is very slow. However, it is suggested that daily consumption should be restricted to 4 cups on an average.
  • Most green tea dietary supplements in the market are sold as dried leaf trees or capsules. It is suggested that you look for standardized extracts of green tea. There are also liquid extracts available, which are made from the leaves and leaf buds.
  • A normal cup of green tea contains 50 to 150 mg antioxidants, on an average. And the green tea which is decaffeinated contains concentrated form of antioxidants. There are also the caffeine free supplements, which are available.
  • For adults, 2 to 3 cups of green tea is recommended which on the whole makes 100 – 750 mg per day. This is a recommended quantity of standardized green tea extract.
  • Green tea also helps in boosting and increasing the endurance level of a person. This means that a person can now workout for longer durations. Green tea stimulates the liver and muscle cells to use fatty acids which provide increased energy.
Green Tea and Side Effects:

Everything coin has two faces, and so is the case with green tea. Till date, the only con that I have heard about green tea is that it causes insomnia, owing to the fact that it contains caffeine. However, green tea has very low amount of caffeine as compared to coffee. If we compare the amount of caffeine present in the tea as compared to that of coffee, there is approximately 30 to 70 mg of caffeine in every 6 – 8 ounces of tea, which is comparatively less to hundreds of mg in 8 ounces of coffee.

The following are negative side-effects if you consume too much green tea:
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness
It has been seen that large consumption of caffeine may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and loss of appetite. If a person drinks lot of green tea which has caffeine in it and starts to vomit, then surely it is a symptom of caffeine poisoning.

If your symptoms are serious, then you should immediately lower your consumption of caffeinated green tea and consult your doctor.

How to Make Green Tea for Yourself:

If you want to get maximum health benefits from the green tea, and make it a part of your daily diet, then there is a certain way to brew a cup of green tea. Producing a perfect cup of green tea can be a tricky process. Although it is best to follow the manufacturer’s instruction to make green tea for every variety and different brand, there are also some general instructions which can be followed to prepare a perfect cup of tea,
  • Take 1 tea bag or 2-4 grams of green tea in cup
  • Boil 1.5 cup of water
  • When water starts to boil, switch off the gas
  • Allow it to stand for 2 minutes
  • Now pour the heated water in the cup, where tea was kept
  • Allow it to steep for 3 minutes
  • Remove the tea bag (if using the bag) or remove the left over leaves
  • Again allow it to stand for 2 more minutes
  • Now you green tea is ready
It is suggested that you include green tea in your daily diet if you are really serious about losing weight. But do not forget, exercise and healthy daily regime is equally important in order to gain real benefits from the green tea.

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