Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Losing fatBurning body fat is the fastest way for most people to get the body they want. Unfortunately, with all the confusing and incorrect information out there, most don't lose as much fat as they plan. Burning body fat doesn't have to be confusing or difficult. Just follow a few simple tips, and you will be on your way to the fit, toned body you want.

Step 1
Reduce your calories. Losing body fat all comes down to consuming fewer calories than you burn. Before you change anything, keep a diet log for about a week. Record everything you eat then use your calorie counter to find your caloric intake for each day. Take the average amount of calories eaten per day and subtract 500 calories. This is your new daily caloric goal which should put you on track for about a pound of fat lost per week.

Step 2
Limit starches. Starchy carbohydrates like pasta and bread, once eaten, convert quickly to blood sugar. When your body has more blood sugar than it needs for energy, it will store whatever it doesn't need as fat. Replace breads, pasta, and rice with vegetables, legumes and fruit. These slower digesting carps will give your body a more steady supply of energy, and allow you to burn, not store body fat.

Step 3
Spread your calories out. Eating small frequent meals will give you a steady supply of energy, eliminate mood swings, and raise your metabolism. By breaking your meals up into five to six little meals, you'll prevent your body from storing fat and stay in a burning mode all day.

Step 4
Train with intervals. Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to burn fat. To raise the fat burning effects of your cardio even more means interval training. This works best on a stationary bike. After a 10-minute warm-up, pedal as fast as you can against very high resistance for 30 seconds. Next, pedal slower at a moderate resistance for 60 seconds. Immediately go back to the 30 second sprint. Try to complete five sprints your first time out. Going back and forth between high and moderate intensity exercise not only burns more fat than steady state cardio, but also boosts your metabolism for hours after.

Step 5
Lift weights. Gaining muscle raises your metabolism, making it easier to burn fat. Use basic, compound movements like chest presses, rows, leg presses. Shoulder presses and pull-downs. Stick to three sets of 10 and train three days per week. You can train your abdominals every workout but keep in mind that crunches themselves do not burn abdominal fat. They only strengthen muscles of the mid-section.

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