Monday, June 17, 2013

The 4 Best Exercises To Burn Fat And Lose Weight Fast

If you’re looking to set your internal systems to fat-burning-furnace mode and absolutely melt body fat as quickly as possible, the following 4 uber-intense, compound exercises are your secret sauce for robust weight loss and sculpting an improved, lean physique. For maximal impact integrate each fat-burning exercise into your existing workout schedule, or create a circuit out of all 4 to form one fat-torching full-body workout.

Barbell squats, barbell squat1. Exercise To Burn Fat 1 — Barbell Squat

Target Muscle Group(s): Legs

With your feet firmly planted on the floor shoulder-width apart, rest a racked barbell comfortably on the upper portion of the back — not the neck. Grasp the bar approx. one foot outside the shoulders and step outwards from the barbell rack. Draw your shoulders back and tighten the core, and slowly squat downwards until your quads are parallel with the ground. Powerfully accelerate upwards to a full standing position, pause for one second, and repeat.
Maintain strong posture throughout each squat and do NOT arch your back, as this can cause back injury.

2. Exercise To Burn Fat 2 — Dumbbell Swing

dumbbell swing, dumbbell swing exercise

Target Muscle Group(s): Shoulders

Stand slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and place a dumbbell on the floor in front of your stance. Squat down, tighten your core, and grab the dumbbell with your palm facing your body. With your back straight, powerfully accelerate your legs upward and swing the dumbbell towards the ceiling, until it’s at eye level.
Maintain strong posture and lower the weight back down to the floor in one fluid motion. Complete 12 reps and repeat for the opposite arm.

lower abs trifecta, lower abs exercises, reverse crunches3. Exercise To Burn Fat 3 — The Lower Abs Trifecta

Target Muscle Group(s): Abs

If you want pancake-flat, carved-up lower abs and a razor-sharp V-cut, The Lower Abs Trifecta is my little secret weapon. I’ve tested this out of the past few months and all I can say is: wow – never has a sequence of exercises absolutely demolished my lower abs and produced crazy-fast results quite like this.
The Lower Abs Trifecta (LAT) isn’t an exercise per se, but rather a superset of 3 different lower abs exercises back-to-back, sans rest. LAT involves 3 consecutive lower ab-centric exercises in sequence:
  • Ab Pulse Ups — detailed in depth here.
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Ab V Holds

The beauty and power of LAT comes from strategic supersetting. By supersetting 2 predominantly lower ab focused exercises (pulse ups & reverse crunches) you’re able to quickly isolate & fatigue the lower section of the abs. Normally you’d stop after just one lower ab exercise — we’re pushing out two INTENSE sets one after another.
That’s effective, crazy, and powerful in-and-of itself, but compounding a third set — Ab V Holds — is what separates 4-packers from 6-packers; we’re going for ABDOMINAL GLORY.
Ab V Holds are a comprehensive core exercise, meaning they recruit the upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, lower back, and even the quads/hamstrings. Even though your lower abs are probably in searing pain from the circulating lactic acid, fatigue, and preceding onslaught, the remainder of your core can help compensate and assist the beaten and battered lower portion.
The result? You’ll grind through the final set and actually push the lower abs even FURTHER past their natural point of fatigue, to a level they’d never, ever reach via lower abs exercises on their own. That equates to deeply torn muscle fibers and ultimately hyperaccelerated growth.
LAT also torches fat. Absolutely incinerates it, which is pretty important, considering that you’ll never see your lower abs if there’s a thick layer of chubby blubber lying on top. Unfortunately this doesn’t burn the fat directly from your belly

renegade rows
4. Exercise To Burn Fat 4 — Dumbbell Renegade Row

Target Muscle Group(s): Back, Abs, Arms

The renegade dumbbell row is a BEAST of an exercise. Like all rows, it specifically pinpoints various muscles throughout the back, including the trapezius, lats, teres major/minor and rhomboids, and simultaneously blasts the biceps, forearms, and rear deltoids (the back of the shoulder).
Renegade dumbbell rows take rowwing to the next level by relying heavily on the core and abdominals to stabilize the torso and provide rapid bursts of torque. Unlike traditional one-arm rows, where the body is propped up on a bench, renegade dumbbell rows are done from a fully-extended push-up position. In order to successfully row with a straight back and avoid tipping over, the abs are forced into deep, forceful, isometric contractions to keep the body stabile. This shreds the abdominal region, in particularly the obliques with each successive twist and row, and absolutely melts fat.
The renegade dumbbell row is an extremely intense, compound exercise. Given the high degree of muscle coordination needed, you WILL feel a deep, searing burn throughout your back/abs and gasp for O2. Sweat WILL cascade down your skin, but you’ll strengthen your entire body from head-to-toe in the process.
Stay firm, push through, and you’ll see the beginnings of an incredible full-body transformation.

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