Sunday, June 30, 2013

50 Habits of Naturally Thin People

50 Habits of Naturally Thin People
This is not a diet — or a rigorous exercise program. (Nobody can stick to those for long.) Instead, it’s a simple way to make weight loss a natural part of the life you already live. And guess what? It’s fun! You don’t have to give up the foods you love or join a gym. It’s about balancing calories in tiny ways that add up to big benefits. You just adopt some tricks naturally lean people do. Pick the ones you like, stick with them, and you’ll slim down and tone up — for good!

Morning Makeover
1. Wake-up workout When your eyes open, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your back and hamstrings. Hold; then, using your abs, lower yourself flat. Rest and repeat two more times. Strengthens core. Burns 10 calories

2. Go for the grains Not ready for Twigs & Rocks cereal? Sprinkle on a few tablespoons of wheat germ or oat bran. Work up to 3/4 cup of low-sugar whole-grain cereal with at least three grams of fiber per serving, and you’ll pass on that Danish. Saves 100

3. Add some protein The more you eat earlier on, the less you eat as the day wears on, research has shown. So after your cereal, add a hard-boiled egg or a part-skim mozzarella cheese stick to keep you feeling full — and away from that pre-lunch brownie. Saves 200 (or more)

4. Balance booster While you brush your teeth, alternate standing on one leg as you switch mouth quadrants (every 30 seconds). Balancing develops your core muscles and may even be good for your brain. Burns 10

5. Be a ballerina As your coffee drips, stand sideways, put one hand on the counter, and lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side; hold and extend it behind you. Do five to ten times on each leg. Tones outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps. Burns 10

6. Coffee saver Instead of pouring that 1/3 cup of half-and-half (a whopping 105 calories!) into your mug, replace it with the same amount of 2% milk. Saves 60

7. Better your bagel You can walk 10,000 steps to justify your 500-calorie bagel with cream cheese, or try this: low-fat spreadable cheese like Laughing Cow Light on an English muffin. Saves 300

Nine-to-Five Fixes

8. Tone in traffic Use the time spent bumper-to-bumper to develop your buns of steel: Squeeze your derrière each time you tap the brake, holding for 10 seconds. Shoot for 10 to 15 squeezes a trip. Burns 10

9. Snack smarter Portion out the day’s snacks into pint-size zip bags, or buy single-serving portions. For example, four regular Oreos have 200 calories versus the 100-calorie snack bag version. Go for the lower fat chips: a Lay’s Light bag has only 75 calories, while the regular has 150. Saves 175 (over two snacks)

10. Casual day payoff You will blast more calories during the day wearing comfy clothes like jeans or khakis, sport shirts and soft-soled shoes than donning constricting suits, skirts and heels. Why? Because you walk more, a study found. Now you just have to convince the boss. Burns 25

11. You know squat! At your desk chair, pretend you’re going to sit but don’t — stop and come back up without using your arms. Always start squats by lowering your hips, not bending knees forward, and keeping your weight on your heels. Repeat the motion throughout the day (even at the potty!) for 15 to 20 total. Strengthens quadriceps. Burns 15

12. Switch your soda Your body doesn’t register calories from liquids the same way it does those from foods, so you won’t get those “stop eating” signals to help you compensate for the overload later on. Change from two glasses of regular soda or fruit juice to diet soda or a flavored seltzer. Saves 300

13. Talk it up Every time you grab the phone, stand up and pace around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more per day than thin people, according to the Mayo Clinic. Burns 50 or more

14. At lunch, pick a pita Use one mini whole-wheat pita instead of the usual two slices of white or refined wheat bread for your sandwich. Saves 70

15. Get face time We use e-mail so much we’ve forgotten what our co-workers look like. Pick a colleague or two who sits farthest from you and deliver 10 of those daily messages in person. And go out of your way: Hit a bathroom or a copier on another floor — and take the stairs, of course. Burns 100

16. Firm as you file Pause from your papers with a few wall push-ups. Place hands wide at shoulder height against the wall. Take a couple of steps back so your body is at a slight angle and your weight is on your toes, and do three sets of 10 push-ups. Strengthens chest and triceps. Burns 10

17. An apple (or more) a day They’re packed with fiber and water, so your stomach will want less. Plus, studies out of Washington State and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. Try two small apples and two fewer large cookies. Saves 100

18. Try a simple chair workout
Dips: If your chair has wheels, brace it against something. Facing forward, place palms on the front edge of the seat with knees bent at a right angle. Lower butt toward the floor; raise and repeat for two sets of 10. Tones triceps. Burns 10

Lifts: Seated in a chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor, squeeze knees together and gently bring them toward your chest. Do two sets of ten. Strengthens abdominals. Burns 10

19. Carry some weight When you’re grocery shopping or running errands, wear a backpack with a 5-or 10-pound bag of sugar inside to increase resistance and burn more calories. Add purchases to your load as it becomes easier. Burns 20 (for an hour of errands)

20. Tweak your treat Instead of a large caffè latte and a chocolate cream-cheese muffin, get a small nonfat latte and a small low-fat raisin or carrot muffin. Saves 340

21. Pump at the pump Instead of fuming over gas prices, think about firming your calves: With one hand on your car, stand on the balls of your feet and slowly rise up and down for as long as it takes your tank to fill — for an SUV that might be 50 raises! Burns 10

22. Do the pizza pat Blot your slice with a napkin to cut anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of grease — and calories. Saves 50-100

23. Shop till the pounds drop At the mall, try on at least ten outfits, both pants and shirts. No need to buy! Burns 60

24. Eat like a kid You don’t have to give up that quick lunch if you order smaller portions: Instead of a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and large fries, opt for the cheeseburger Happy Meal. You can even play with the toy. Saves 390

25. Recharge yourself Anytime you’re waiting in line, stand evenly on both feet, clasp hands behind your back and squeeze shoulder blades together to open your chest, an energizing yoga-based move that stimulates the nervous system. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds while slowly breathing in and out, taking longer on the inhale. Burns 5

On the Home Front

26. Jog for junk mail Turn clutter into a challenge: For every piece of junk mail you pull from the mailbox each day, do one lap around your house or building, or up and down a flight of stairs. Burns 35-140

27. Use better butter No, you don’t have to give up the real deal — instead of a tablespoon of stick butter, use a tablespoon of whipped and cut half the calories. Saves 30

28. Step on it Before you lug those backpacks upstairs, stop and stand on the bottom step for these calf toners. Hold the banister with one hand. Bend your right leg and place the toes of your left foot on the edge of the step. Let your heel drop down, press into the ball of your left foot and rise to your toes. Pause; repeat with each foot for 8 to 12 reps. Burns 10

29. Start with soup Order a clear soup instead of a salad soaked with two tablespoons full-fat ranch and you can save twice the calories. Plus you’ll feel fuller, so you’ll eat less when the entrée comes. Saves 100

30. Play footsie After dinner, while you’re still sitting at the table, extend your right leg out and slowly bend it up and down, squeezing and holding in the up position for at least five seconds. Repeat on each leg five times. Sculpts quadriceps. Burns 10

31. Make perfect pasta Substitute whole-grain pasta for semolina and you’ll be satisfied with a smaller portion (1.5 ounces instead of 2). Saves 50. Or use the same amount of oat-bran pasta. Saves 90

32. Climb up! Taking the stairs for a total of just two minutes, five days a week, gives you the same calorie-burning results as a 20-minute walk. Burns 100-140

33. Fill up with fruit Like pie? Here’s how you can cave to the craving: Sprinkle fresh fruit — some cut-up apple, pear or a handful of cherries — with some Splenda or Equal, cover and nuke for a minute or so. Tastes just like pie filling. Saves 275

34. Have your cake Pick up an angel food cake for dessert. It’s packed with air and has fewer than half the calories of, say, pound cake. Saves 70

35. Ease into evening Sitting with feet uncrossed, grab your wrist and raise your hands above your head to lengthen the spine. Take a deep breath in as you reach and hold the position, breathing slowly in and out for 20 seconds, taking longer on the exhale. Instant relaxation. Burns 5

36. Get your chocolate fix Instead of a candy bar, try a sugar-free, reduced-calorie Jell-O chocolate pudding snack with a squirt of nonfat whipped cream topping. Eat it with a baby spoon to savor it longer. Saves 185

37. Crunch for your clicker The average half-hour TV show has eight minutes of commercials. Make reaching for the remote control worth it: Place it out of reach on the coffee table or, if you’re lying down, on the opposite arm of the couch. Every time an ad comes on and you reach for the remote, crunch until the show comes back on; you should reach 100-150 or so. Tones abs. Burns 24

38. Lift those hips Before you tuck yourself in, lie on your back on the floor with your legs up on the edge of the bed or a chair. Slowly bend your knees, lifting your hips off the floor. Hold for five seconds, relax and repeat 10 to 12 times. Firms up hamstrings and core. Burns 10

The Weekend

39. Sing a song Spend Sunday morning belting it out in the church choir. Burns 70 per service

40. Make it bacon At the diner, order three slices of crisp bacon instead of two sausage links, and pat off the extra grease. Saves 90

41. Move it, Soccer Parents! After every quarter of the game, get up from the bleachers and take a lap around the gym or field. Four or five times around a typical one is about a mile. Burns 75

42. Movie time Most people eat 45% more popcorn from large-size containers, so make sure you get only a small and skip the butter, which adds more calories than the popcorn itself. Bring your own seasoned salt or Parmesan cheese for more flavor. Saves 350

43. Orient yourself At Chinese restaurants, be sure to avoid anything named General Tso or Crispy, which means fried. Eat only the filling of the egg roll and not the shell. Saves 400-500

44. Catch this! Spend a half-hour tossing a ball or Frisbee with your kid. Burns 90

45. Cut the cheese Order your pizza with half the cheese or even cheese-less, and then sprinkle with a few tablespoons of Parmesan. Saves 100

46. Have a hot dog! Pile on the pickles, onions and sauerkraut — these fiber-packed condiments will fill you up and prevent you from eating a second dog. Skip the cheese and chili. Saves 250

47. Think about your drink Consider beer or wine instead of a frozen drink: A glass of regular beer has 140 calories and a serving of wine has 126 calories, while a strawberry daiquiri has about 300 and a margarita 340. Saves 150-200

48. Fix your fries Rather than asking for medium fries, get an order of onion rings (8 to 9 rings). Saves 60

49. Scream for sorbet Indulge in chocolate sorbet instead of chocolate ice cream. Saves 125

50. Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. Burns 300.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast
If you want to lose weight, you're not alone. Almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time. While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous. Fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may help you reduce the number on the scale, but these methods can cause severe health complications.

However, if you are generally healthy and you're determined to drop several pounds quickly, there are some techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your short-term goals.

Fad Diets
The purpose of most fad diets is to promote rapid weight loss that you can see almost overnight. Fad diets are short-term solutions; if you stay on a fad diet for more than a few days, you could cause your body serious harm. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any kind of weight loss program to make sure your body can take the added strain to its system. Here are some popular fad diets with simple instructions that claim to result in fast, short-term weight loss.

The Water Diet. This diet involves drinking a daily total of about 64 fluid ounces (8 cups) of cold (preferably refrigerated) water, at regular intervals. 

  • Drink a glass of water before each meal and before each snack to suppress your appetite by making you feel fuller.
  • Do not add sweeteners or flavorings to your water.
  • Do not replace meals with water.
  • Take a daily multivitamin to replenish the nutrients lost through more frequent urination.

Juice Detox Diet, Juice Fast, or Hollywood Diet. Although there are many variations on a juice detoxification fast or crash diet, they generally last for one to three days.
You can only drink fruit and vegetable juices on this type of fad diet.
Some variations of this diet involve taking vitamins or nutrients along with the juices, while others let you have a single meal per day.
The juices are meant to help your body flush out toxins and eliminate several pounds of (mostly) water weight from your system.

The Master Cleanse, Maple Syrup Diet, or Lemonade Diet. This fad diet is a liquid-only diet.
  • Drink between 6 to 12 glasses of a special mixture of lemonade, cayenne pepper, water, and maple syrup each day.
  • You will also drink a cup of herbal laxative tea twice a day.
  • There is an optional period of easing into this fad diet, as well as an easing-out process.
  • It should only be done for very short-term weight loss and is supposed to function as a detoxifying cleanse rather than a strict weight-loss routine.
  • There is also an optional salt-water flush that can be incorporated into this diet.
The Cabbage Soup Diet. This diet claims it can help you lose up to 10 pounds in one week.

  • It involves eating a low-fat, high fiber diet.
  • You mainly eat a special type of cabbage soup, but you can also have moderate portions of certain fruits and vegetables, occasional meats and rice, a minimum of 4 glasses of water and a multivitamin each day.
  • This diet lasts 7 days and is not recommended as a permanent solution for long-term weight loss because of the lack of nutrients you consume on it.
The Salt-Free Diet. This diet helps you lose water weight by eliminating water retention in the body.
  • On this diet, you cannot have any salt, which includes not only table salt, but also all the added sodium found in pre-packaged and prepared foods.
  • This involves preparing sodium-free products at home or avoiding processed foods all together, which also means avoiding to eat out at restaurants.
  • It also involves drinking up to 2 liters (about 8 cups) of water each day to replenish essential bodily fluids, although green tea is also allowed in moderation.
  • Many prepared foods have as much as 30% of your daily value. You get your daily requirement of sodium from a healthy diet; too much can cause you to retain water weight.
  • Because some dietary salt is essential for good health, the Salt-Free Diet should not be followed for more than one to two weeks.
  • It's important to note that this diet is more effective for those people who tend to retain water more easily than others. If you're not sure whether you're particularly prone to water retention, pay attention to your hands and feet the next time you eat something salty. If your rings are more difficult to take off, or your shoes become tighter after a salty meal, those are signs that your body is sensitive to sodium.
The HCG Diet. This diet combines injections or supplements of HCG (human chorionic gonaotropin) with a severely restricted calorie intake.
  • The calorie restriction alone (only 500 to 800 calories per day) is enough to promote weight loss in most people; it is significantly under the recommended daily calorie allowance, even for people attempting to lose weight.
  • HCG is not monitored by the FDA, and can have unpleasant side effects in many people.
  • Those who follow this diet typically gain the weight back immediately after stopping it.
Weight Loss Spa Treatments
Another easy way to get fast weight-loss results is to get beauty treatments specifically designed to help you shed inches quickly. By visiting a spa, sauna, or wellness clinic offering weight loss beauty services and procedures, you can have your pick of numerous beauty treatments and spa services that are designed to help you lose weight quickly or to alter your appearance by reducing bloating, tightening your skin, or removing body fluids. These processes only involve temporary weight loss, but the results are immediate and do not involve dieting or exercise.
Ask about a mineral body wrap. Some mineral wraps claim to help you slim down by literally making you “lose” inches off of your waist, thighs, and arms. The process involves a mineral-based cleanse that is supposed to detoxify your body, helping you shed weight, reduce cellulite (fat near the surface of your skin), and tone and firm your skin almost instantly.

Get a lipase body wrap. Lipase body wraps are another quick-slim beauty treatment that follow a two-step phase.
  • First, an enzyme wrap is applied to rid your body of fat tissue near the surface of the skin.
  • A second mineral wrap is then applied, designed to tighten and smooth your skin.
Get a European body wrap. European body wraps are another potential option for spa services aimed at dropping inches off of trouble spots. This procedure is supposed to firm and tone skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks, and temporarily promotes weight loss.

Get a hot body wrap. Heat-based body wraps are perhaps a more well-known spa treatment, designed both to detoxify your body and stimulate smooth, toned skin. The heat and massage involved in most heat or steam treatments is targeted at improving circulation and helping your body slim down quickly.

Go to a sauna. Saunas may result in a loss of a pint of sweat in just a quarter of an hour.

  • You should hydrate by drinking a few glasses of water after spending time in a sauna to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Keep in mind that time in saunas must be limited, preferably to no more than one 15- to 20-minute session per day.
  • People with blood pressure or heart problems should not use saunas, nor should young children
Get a colonic. Some spas offer colonic irrigation treatments, which involve physically flushing your colon with large amounts of water to remove fecal accumulation.
  • This process may help some people who suffer from bloating, gas, and constipation and claims to spur weight loss in some individuals
Liposuction can shed pounds instantly. Liposuction is a surgical option for fast, targeted weight loss, generally only recommended for people with one or two specific areas of highly fatty tissue but otherwise relatively healthy body weight.
  • Because it is a surgical procedure, it carries significant health risks and should only be performed by a licensed professional.
Healthy Eating Habits
Change general nutrition and lifestyle habits. Adopting a number of simple but significant dietary and behavioral changes can be enough to jump-start weight loss for many people. Combining the suggestions below with your short-term diet plan will enhance your chances of reaching your weight-loss goals faster and maintaining those results in the long-term.

Develop a healthy and personalized meal plan. Figure out how much you should be eating by scheduling a consultation with a dietitian or a physician to discuss your weight loss goals, special dietary needs, current eating habits, and potential areas for improvement.
Choose meals that have a healthy balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean proteins. A typical dinner plate should be filled with half vegetables or fruits, half whole grains and lean protein.

Plan your meals in advance. This can help you incorporate more nutritious foods into your diet and limit your calorie intake.

Determine your daily calorie needs. Your individual calorie needs will vary based on age, gender, height, and activity level. Knowing exactly how much your target daily intake is will help you stick to your diet.
Monitor the number of calories and grams of fat you consume each day and try not to exceed USDA guidelines.

Keep a food diary. Write down every meal, snack, and drink you consume as well as the approximate quantities for an entire week.
  • When possible, write down the number of calories in each food you eat as you eat it.
  • Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller than the serving you actually eat.
  • Don’t forget to include coffee mix-ins, condiments, and other additions to your daily diet.
  • Once you have done this, you should be able to estimate your typical daily calorie intake and compare it to your goal with an online calorie calculator.
Identify your food triggers and plan accordingly. Careful planning can help you avoid trigger foods and empty calorie traps you may have identified in your food journal. If you don’t purchase these foods or if you plan meals in advance, you will be less likely to sabotage your diet when pressed for time.

Watch your portion sizes. Look for healthy, delicious meal and snack ideas online or in cookbooks, and create a menu for the week. Make a list of what you'll need for these meals, and don't stray from your list when you get to the grocery store. Looking at market circulars can also give you ideas and even cut costs by buying weekly sale items and seasonal produce.
  • Incorporate appropriate portion sizes into your meal plan. For instance, a healthy snack of almonds and dried cranberries can turn into a huge calorie source if you don’t pay attention to quantities. Also, preparing pre-apportioned healthy snacks can help you avoid mindless overeating and can make it convenient to grab a healthy snack.
Don’t skip meals. Eating a healthy breakfast increases your rest metabolic rate earlier in the day, keeps your energy levels high, and may help you resist the urge of high-calorie snacks throughout the day. Plan to eat a snack or meal every 2 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism active. Eating regularly also keeps your blood sugar stable and reduces unhealthy calorie binges or deviations from your meal plan.

Select smart substitutes for unhealthy sources of fat, sugar, and calories. Most foods have healthier counterparts that will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without unnecessary fat, sugar, and calories. Exchanging high-calorie and high-fat foods and drinks for healthier alternatives can help you lose weight faster.

Snack smartly. Swap potato chips and candy bars for snacks that are nutrient-rich and low in calories and fat. Avoid processed and packaged foods when possible, or buy snacks that have single-serving packets of 100 to 200 calories. Healthy and easy snacks include nuts, rice cakes, fresh or dried fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on. Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition, but avoid fatty dressings or dips. Fruit provides a good source of soluble fiber, releasing energy more slowly and keeping you feeling full longer. Low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt or cheddar cheese, can also be healthy snacks in moderation. Try combining string cheese with a handful of grapes, spreading peanut butter on a few crackers, or dipping sliced red pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus.

Sip on low-calorie 100% fruit juice, seltzer, or water instead of soft drinks, energy drinks, flavored coffees, and martinis. Cutting calories with substitutions can be a lot easier than you might think. For example, a tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of body fat (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound per week. If you eat salad frequently, try substituting a low-fat vinaigrette for your ranch or blue cheese dressing. Similarly, cook with a tablespoon of olive oil instead of butter, for instance, or opt for skim milk instead of whole.

Choose lean meats. Poultry and fish are naturally low in fat, and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are an excellent sources of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to your health. Ask your butcher for lean cuts of beef or pork if you choose to buy them, and trim visible fat from meat before cooking. Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By replacing meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu, or lentils, you can cut significant amounts of your daily calorie intake while adding many nutrients to your diet.

Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. For instance, exchange cheesy pasta or mashed potatoes with steamed vegetables or salad.

Drinking water instead of soda, coffee, alcohol, juice, or milk may help you cut hundreds of calories per day. Increasing your water intake can also help your body efficiently use nutrients, keep you energized, get the most benefit from your exercise routine, and feel full longer. If you can handle substituting water for all other drinks for a week, you can expect faster weight loss and see dramatic improvement in energy levels and even appearance very quickly.

Avoid tempting grocery aisles. Avoid the areas in the grocery store that stock sodas, cookies, ice cream, pizzas, and other fattening and highly processed foods, so that you are less likely to purchase unhealthy options.

Prepare your meals at home instead of buying fast food.

The Mayo Clinic Diet. This plan was developed by the world-renowned medical research and treatment clinic to jump-start weight loss and promote a long-term plan for healthy and sustainable weight loss. It advertises a possible weight loss of up to 10 pounds in the first week, although results slow afterwards. This is one of the few diet plans with immediate weight loss results that are healthy to maintain in the long-term. It focuses on breaking unhealthy habits, creating healthy habits, and learning to eat and exercise well for life.

Exercise More
Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. Small changes to your activity level can add up over the course of a day, and can start making an impact on your weight within as little as a week.

Make time for exercise. By making time for exercise and other healthy, productive activities, you can avoid temptation to overeat.

  • Make chores exercise opportunities. Do your own gardening, wash your car to burn calories and get things done around the house.
  • Don't pick the most convenient parking spot. Park further from the entrance when you go shopping.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Be realistic about the type of exercise you can do when starting a new program.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you have to start out slowly; you can always adjust your routine as you gain skills and confidence.
  • Even short time intervals of circuit training that combine cardio and fat-burning activities can trim inches off of your waist, arms, and thighs in 2 weeks or less. Participants in Chris Freytag’s 2 week trial[17] lost up to 10 pounds and as many inches when tested by Prevention magazine readers, with up to 5 pounds lost in the first week after only 6 sessions of 20 minutes each. Many women’s and health magazines as well as personal trainers offer similar condensed workout routines designed to maximize weight loss and visible physical slimming within only a few days of beginning the regimen.
Adopt a targeted exercise program.
  • Fat-burning cardio routines can help you lose fat quickly, while weight and resistance training can trigger your metabolism to use energy more efficiently.
  • Fat-burning exercise routines help you drop fat quickly by targeting fat loss. Having a healthy and balanced diet in combination with moderate fat-burning exercise is essential to prevent muscle loss. Try routines that are heavy on cardio. In order to lose a pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories. The most effective fat-burning routines contain short bursts of high-intensity workouts with interspersed periods of rest. These are also called interval workouts.
Variety in an exercise regimen is especially important, and can help both those who have reached a weight plateau and those who are just beginning the weight loss process stick with it.

Perform low impact aerobic activities. Moderate aerobic workouts incorporating brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or swimming not only burn calories they also keep your heart healthy. Swimming is great, especially if you are quite overweight or have joint problems, because you can get the same benefits of running typically burning even more calories with much less stress on your joints. Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week.

Pump some iron. Resistance training, weight training, can help both men and women stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. Weight loss strategies that incorporate both aerobic and weight training boost calorie burn significantly. If you gain muscle, your body's resting metabolism (the amount of calories you burn when you're just sitting still) increases. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise the body's metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day. Weight training can also tone flabby “trouble” spots, giving the appearance of weight loss by simply tightening and slimming your body.

Make exercise enjoyable. Choosing physical activities that you like to do will make you much more lucky to succeed at maintaining your exercise regimen.

  • Start a hobby that involves moving around a bit, even if it doesn't sound like "exercise." Gardening, building small projects, working on cars, or playing with animals are all great ways to burn calories.
  • Remember that games like volleyball, tennis, and even Frisbee can help you burn calories while having a blast, making exercise a social and fun activity you will want to enjoy everyday.
  • Find what you like and don’t be afraid to try new things. Many forms of exercise can help you reach your weight loss goals, even home-training programs such as Wii Fit, which guides you through yoga, aerobics, strength training, and balance exercises in the comfort of your own home.
  • For more adventurous athletes, programs such as P90-X can also provide dramatic weight loss benefits through exercise.
Get enough rest. Being properly rested will help you maintain sufficient energy throughout the day, making you less likely to overeat and less prone to injury during physical activity.

  • Rest at least 24 to 48 hours between strength training sessions on the same muscle group (for instance, work out your biceps and abs on alternating days), and take one to two days off from exercising each week.
  • Know how much sleep you need, since sleep deficiency impairs your ability to lose fat.
Try cooking with olive oil instead of other unhealthy types of oils if possible. One of the major benefits of olive oil is that it's a great source for monounsaturated fats which can help lower Low Density Lipoprotein also known as LDL. This can help protect against atherosclerosis. In addition to this, monounsaturated fats can actually lower the risk of heart disease. The reason for this is because these types of fats do not affect the levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), which are also called “good cholesterol”.

Friday, June 28, 2013

15 Breakfast Mistakes that Cause Weight Gain

We know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but what we don't know about the morning meal could inadvertently be packing on the pounds! We consulted with health expert Dr. Lisa Davis, Vice President of Scientific and Clinical Affairs at Medifast, to expose 15 of the biggest breakfast no-nos.

1. Think Before Your First Bite.

When coworkers bring in treats, the office can become a calorie trap. Davis' advice? "Stop, get centered, take a deep breath, and focus on your health goals," she says. Which is better: the taste of a muffin or the feeling of reaching your goals?

2. Don't be Fooled by Juice.
You may think that gulping down a glass of OJ is a great way to start your day, but many store-bought varieties are packed with sugar. "A healthy serving of orange juice is about as much as you could squeeze out of one orange," Davis says. "A better idea may be to have a glass of water and eat the orange itself: Whole fruit offers you all the vitamins and minerals of the juice, along with tummy-filling fiber that can help tame hunger pangs until lunch."

3. Fill Up... the Healthy Way.
Davis says pancakes and waffles are a no-no for breakfast, especially when accompanied by sugary syrup. "Instead, try a whole-grain cereal or toast, and try to get some protein in the form of low-fat or fat-free yogurt, lean meat, or egg whites," she says. "You'll feel fuller for longer."

4. You Give in to Temptation.
Breakfast pastries are delicious, but when you're faced with treats first thing in the morning, try your best to resist. "Sugary cereals, toaster pastries, bagels, and cinnamon rolls are tempting, but they're likely to cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a low-energy crash and hunger, which can cause a snack attack by mid-morning," Davis says.

5. Don't Rule Out Coffee.
You don't have to give up your morning cup of Joe, even if you're vying for a healthier diet. "Unless you have sensitivity to caffeine or a medical condition that makes it unwise to consume it, coffee can be a delicious and natural way to boost your mood and your brain function," Davis says. "If you need more than a cup or two to get going in the morning, you may be sleep-deprived. Coffee is not a substitute for actual zz's."

6. Go Easy on Coffee Add-Ons.

"It's what you add to coffee that can add pounds and inches," Davis says. "Sugar, flavored syrups, whipped cream, and half-and-half can turn a simple cup of coffee into a real calorie-bomb, and if you have one or more each day, those calories will add up. Subtract a little of the sugar and fat gradually and work toward enjoying your morning brew as close to ‘naked' as you can make it."

7. Be Ready When Hunger Strikes.

If you're often in a rush to get to work and skip breakfast, stock up on healthy snacks. "The key to healthy eating is planning ahead," Davis says. "It makes sense to keep nutritious, non-sugary pick-me-ups in your desk drawer or in the office fridge."

8. Stick to One Serving.

A serving each of low-fat protein, whole fruit or vegetables, and whole-grain bread or cereal is a great way to get your body and mind prepared for the demands of your day. However, you need to make sure that the number of calories you take in at breakfast works within your overall daily calorie target." Not sure what one serving looks like? Use these tricks to make it easy to stay on track.

9. Don't Discount Vending Machines.

"Although they're high in fat and calories, a handful of peanuts from the vending machine will at least give you some protein and fiber, which will keep you feeling full longer than a doughnut will," Davissays. "If you can, skip out to a convenience store and grab a nonfat sugar-free yogurt, a string cheese stick, whole fruit, or a small protein bar."

10. Be Ready to Face a Buffet.
You can still enjoy a satisfying meal without stuffing yourself silly at the weekend brunch buffet. Just avoid items like muffins, fruit juice cocktails, and sweets. "Start with eggs, lean meat (try Canadian bacon instead of regular), salmon, fresh veggies, and fruit," Davis says.

11. Remember This Mantra.
"There's an old saying that goes, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper,'" Davis says. Keep this quote in mind throughout the day, and you'll be on your way to healthy weight loss in no time!

12. Don't Rely on Breakfast Bars

Granola and breakfast bars often serve as quick on-the-go meals, but many of them have as many calories as dessert! "Most commercial granola bars are basically oatmeal cookies in disguise, with a lot more sugar than you need," Davis says. "A little natural peanut butter on a folded slice of whole-grain bread is better. Make a couple of these mini sandwiches in advance and keep one in your fridge at home, and one at work."

13. Beware of Brunch Cocktails.
Whether you're noshing on breakfast or brunch, remember your first meal of the day should nourish you, not knock you out (and add excess calories)! "Go easy on the alcohol," Davis says. "That ounce of vodka in your Bloody Mary adds about 100 calories."

14. Make Breakfast Mandatory.
Even if you wake up feeling full from the previous night's dinner, try to munch on a little something in the a.m. "Heavy meals late in the evening are likely to overwhelm your digestive system and can even interfere with a restful sleep," Davis says. "But if you indulge once in a while, keep in mind that even if you feel full the next morning, you haven't had any nourishment since you went to bed. Skipping meals can cause your metabolism to slow down, so if you can, try a slice of plain, whole-grain toast and hot tea, or some apple slices with plain, non-fat yogurt."

15. Add a Glass of H2O.
It's always beneficial to include a big glass of water as part of your breakfast. "[Water will] hydrate you and help you feel full and satisfied," Davis says.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Home Remedies for Losing Weight: 9 Fat Cutting Ways

Are you feeling exhausted about the traditional weight loss program, stick diet or supplements for losing your extra fat? If you are finding the easiest way for weight loss then you have come to the right place! If you are determined for losing your extra pounds; following home remedies for losing weight can be extremely helpful for you.

Cucumber is one of the effective and popular home remedies for losing weight naturally. Because cucumber contains 90 percent water with about 13.25 calories that is an effective remedy for cutting fat. Cucumber not only helps to lose weight but it also helps to break fat cells and excess body fluids. Additionally, cucumber has the strong antioxidant vitamins A, C and E that can remove toxins from the body.

Honey and lemon
Honey and lemon juice have multiple health benefits to our body especially for obese people. For cutting extra pounds, you have to take a quarter glass of warm water with 3 tbsp lemon juice and 2 tbsp honey. Then, combine them using a spoon and drink it. Take at least two glasses of honey-lemon juice daily to get magical result.

Jujube oil
Jujube contains multiple nutrients. It’s a rich source of Vitamin A, C and B2. Not only these vitamins, jujube oil also has calcium, iron and phosphorous. Take a handful of jujube leaves and soak them in the water overnight. Drink the infused water in the morning before taking breakfast.

Ginger and lemon juice
Ginger extract or juice with honey is an excellent home remedy for losing weight. Take 2 tbsp ginger juice in a cup and add 3 tbsp honey with it. Combine them up and drink. Taking ginger and honey twice a day significantly helps to reduce extra pounds.

Carrot juice
Carrot is another natural offering for fat people. It’s really amazing for losing extra fat.  Take one glass of carrot juice daily before taking anything in the morning. You can take carrot in many ways like raw carrot, chopped carrot with mixed salad and cooked carrot as vegetables.

Cabbage is good for weight loss. It contains tartaric acid which stops sugar and carbohydrates being converted into fat.  Cabbage is also a rich source of Vitamin A and C that are good stuffs for losing weight. Cabbage works outstanding for cancer and heart disease.

Apple cider vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar is a tried home remedy for losing weight. Almost all the diet specialists recommend apple cider vinegar ACV for remove extra fats from the body. If you want to try this remedy you have to take 2 tbsp organic ACV with 8 Oz of water. Then drink it full. Taking 3X throughout a day is recommended remedy for losing overweight.

Regular intake of one large peach can help you to lose weight. One peach contains only 68 calories surprisingly with no fat. Peach is naturally sweet that you can easily take in the place of sugar rich foods. Peach is an ideal diet for dieters.

Parsley contains antioxidant including luteolin, a flavonoid that eliminate free radicals in the body. Parsley also contains two anti oxidants RDA of vitamin C and RDA of vitamin A. You can take parsley as food flavor, salad mix and parsley juice as well. There is a lot more health benefits of parsley.

Home remedies for losing weight: Diet Recommendations

No sugar no processed foods- Say no to all sugary and processed foods because they contain a bulk amount of fats that can ruin your weight loss program.

Avoid fried food switch to roasted- Avoid all types of fried food like fried rice, chicken or any other. Convert all fried into roasted.

Take Dinner in time- It’s a popular advice for the obese people to take dinner at least 3-4 hours before sleep. Late dinner interrupts digestion process.

Drink plenty of citrus and water daily- Drink plenty of drinking water along with citrus fruits daily. Adequate water removes toxins from the body and citrus fruits give useful vitamins to lose weight.
Natural Weight Loss Remedy - 7 Top Remedies To Lose Weight Fast and Easy Without Pills

Natural weight loss remedy on how to lose weight fast and easy without pills will be discussed here. If you have been seeking for answers to your bugging questions, the right answers have come and this article will provide them for you in a straight forward way.
Here are the 7 top tips on how to lose weight fast and easy without pills that works.
See yourself achieving results.
Every good success in life begins with the right mindset. You see, your mind can contribute immensely to your health especially to losing weight. For the first time in your life, see yourself with the way you would want to be after taking any weight loss workout.
Avoid Eating Processed Foods.
Eating processed foods like pasta, rice, bread etc is never a recommendation if you want to lose weight. Also make you avoid refined sugars. Eat raw foods such as pulses, vegetables and fruits.
You should not make a list of banned foods.
This can be very luring. Naturally, when you ban any food, the human tendency will make you to desire them and when not taken, it will start harming your system thereby limiting you and constraining your desired results. Do not ban any food like chocolates and margarine. Just take them in a little quantity.
Learn to drink plenty of water.
By now, you should have known the importance of water on your system as well as its role in helping you lose weight fast and easy with pills. You need to first lose the water content in your body before venturing into shedding those pounds. 8 glasses of water on a daily basis will do wonders.
Increase the rate of your metabolism
Metabolism is what helps your body to burn off fats easily. When this is operating below the desired level, the rate of burning fat will reduce thereby causing you to be overweight. To increase your metabolism, engage in activities that makes you sweat a lot. Bicycling, running, jogging, treadmill exercise can do this best.
Eat smaller meals daily
Do you know that by eating smaller meals in a day, you will be able to burn off fat naturally; I mean lose weight fast and easy without pills. Instead of obeying the 3 squared meal routine, split your meal into 6 smaller meals so that you do not get hungry during the day causing you to eat excessively.
Is it wrong to skip breakfast?
Absolutely WRONG! Breakfast is one vital meal you must never skip for any reason when you want to lose weight naturally. You should enjoy a healthy breakfast rich in protein and fiber. The major reason why breakfast is vital is because the body burns more fats in the morning than in the evening.
The Easy Part Here:
There is still more to this. I invite you to check out HEALTHY Weight Loss Tips to discover the secret of how to lose 10 pounds in few weeks and stay slim for life.
Herbal Home Remedies for Weight Loss - Natural and Best Way to Lose Weight

This article emphasizes on some of the natural and best ways to lose your excess body weight. These remedies are safer and healthier way to shed unwanted fat from the body.

1. Cabbage is an extensive calorie burning food item. Cabbage intake should be increased to shed off fat.

2. Green tea also serves as an efficient fat burner. Three cups of green tea a day keeps obesity at bay.

3. Breakfast with two fresh tomatoes would restrict calorie intake.

4. One may drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lime juice and honey every morning in empty stomach. This is a common home remedy for weight loss.

5. A mixture of one teaspoon black pepper, 3 teaspoon lime juice and one teaspoon honey in a cup of water may be drunk thrice a day to lose weight.

6. Eating of 10-12 curry leaves helps in shedding extra fat.

7. Mint tea or mint chutney helps in breaking down fat.

8. Leaves of Indian plum may be soaked in water overnight. In the morning one is to drink the water, excluding the leaves. This is an effective weight reduction treatment.

9. Drinking a decoction prepared by boiling ginger and lemon slices in water, would control the tendency of over eating.

10. Carrot juice mixed with water is an effective fat dissolving agent.
 11. Horse gram is well known for reducing weight. 6-7 horse grams may be soaked in water overnight and in the morning, one is to filter the water and drink it.

12. To a cup of lukewarm water, one may add half teaspoon honey and half teaspoon basil leaf paste. This is to be drunk every morning for weight loss.

13. A mixture of little honey and fresh ginger paste is an effective remedy for weight loss.

14. Drinking lukewarm water after meals helps in easy digestion and burning of calories.

Herbal Fat Loss Supplement 

Fat loss supplement such as Figura is a breakthrough herbal slimming pills trusted and used by thousands of men and women worldwide. It is uniquely blended herbal supplement for weight loss that not only helps you in keeping your ideal body weight but also burn stored fat deposited in your body.

Advantages of taking herbal supplement are many as compared to other fat burning pills. As herbal weight loss supplements are made of plant based natural ingredients, they are much safer and effective way to lose weight. You can easily take these supplements for long term without the fear of harmful side effects.
13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast

Liz Vaccariello, author of The Digest Diet, explains how you can lose weight fast by eating foods you already shop for, as certain foods, actions, and activities can gently shift your body into fat release mode.

1. Protein
I’m fond of this macronutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and muscle. It’s also a fabulous weight-loss aid, according to a 2005 study from Arizona State University. Protein increased satiety (satisfaction and feelings of fullness) and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn. I love that: three benefits in one. Earlier research also found that people following higher-protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an average of 10 percent (about 200 calories).

2. Vitamin C
You’ve heard for years to stock up on your C to fend off colds, but are you aware of the vitamin’s reputation as a weight-loss aid? Research suggests that the bodies of folks who are deficient in vitamin C cling more stubbornly to fat. In 2008, researchers in Quebec reviewed a stack of studies to find what they called “unsuspected determinants of obesity.”

Their review linked less-than-ideal intakes of particular micronutrients to an increased likelihood of being overweight. They identified deficiencies in vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E as risk factors for having a higher percentage of body fat and belly fat.

3. Honey
This natural sweetener has also shown great promise in animal studies for reducing weight gain and body fat when substituted for sugar. Known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, honey boasts wide-ranging health benefits. It may improve blood sugar control and immunity, and it’s an effective cough suppressant.

4. Cocoa
If you’re like me, you welcome any new excuse to add more chocolate to your life. Cocoa contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. Just look at this list of benefits from a recent study done at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center by David L. Katz, MD, and his colleagues: “Cocoa can protect nerves from injury and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation … and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.”

5. Vinegar
The surprise here? The vinegar that comes along for the ride in salad dressing also helps you feel full. Research has shown that vinegar can lessen the glycemic effect of a meal (meaning it tends not to spike your blood sugar), which has been linked to satiety that reduces food intake. Vinegar may also prevent body-fat accumulation, according to a 2009 animal study by Japanese researchers. Mice that were fed acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, for six weeks accumulated less body fat.

6. Fiber
Throughout the years, various weight-loss researchers have recommended starting a meal with a salad to stave off hunger and ensure that you don’t overeat. But why does this work exactly? One reason is that salads are a great source of fiber: lettuce greens, carrots, tomatoes, and the like all have plenty of this macronutrient. Fiber’s effects on increasing feelings of satiety are well documented.

Whether you eat fiber and vinegar together or not, know that they are great tools to have on hand whenever you feel the need to tame your appetite and turn on fat burning controls. If you’re not a fan of salad, there are plenty of other sources.

7. Coconut Oil
While The Digest Diet recommends keeping saturated fat intake to under 10 percent of total calories, one source sits at the top of the “should enjoy” list: coconut oil.

Why? This sweet, rich oil was shown to do some pretty nifty things for abdominally obese women in a 2009 study out of Brazil, including decreasing their waist circumference, increasing beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and improving the ratio of “bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) to “good” HDL cholesterol. And in populations where coconut oil is commonly eaten, high cholesterol levels and heart disease are not common.

8. MUFAs
In 2006, I uncovered exciting research suggesting that monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, helped people store less belly fat. Eating a diet rich in olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, and avocado has kept my belly lean and my energy up for years! These healthy fats are a mainstay of my diet.

9. PUFAs
During my dive into the current research, I came across a small study from the Netherlands that suggests we should also enjoy polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs, found in fish and in many nuts and seeds. In this study, consumption of a high ratio of PUFAs to saturated fats led to a higher resting metabolism, as well as a greater diet-induced calorie burn.

But one clarification: Our focus will be primarily on long-chain n-3 PUFAs, commonly known as omega-3s. Researchers theorize that the weight-loss benefits of omega-3s may be a result of their anti-inflammatory effects (inflammation in the body has been strongly linked to obesity). I also love the fact that these healthy fats are associated with protection from cardiovascular disease and enhanced mood.

10. Resveratrol
So many people have asked me if it’s OK to have a drink when trying to lose weight. Listen up, friends, as this glass is for you!

Many studies show that a small glass of wine a day is good for your health. Researchers credit the anti­aging properties of resveratrol (found in red grapes, mulberries, and peanuts) in red wine. Now cutting-edge research suggests this antioxidant is a fat releaser too.

In one large study of more than 19,000 women of normal weight, light to moderate drinkers had less weight gain and less risk of becoming overweight than those who drank no alcohol. In several animal studies, researchers have demonstrated that moderate alcohol consumption does not promote weight gain.

And in another separate animal study done in 2006, researchers found that resveratrol improved exercise endurance as well as protected against obesity and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

11. Calcium
Your mom told you to drink your milk because its calcium was good for your bones. What she probably didn’t know: That same calcium also helps control your hunger. Research shows that people who don’t consume enough of this bone-building mineral have a greater fat mass and less control of their appetite—two things The Digest Diet can help you reverse.

12. Dairy
Yes, dairy is an excellent source of calcium, but I’ve singled it out because studies have found that dairy sources of calcium are markedly more effective in accelerating fat loss than other sources. Researchers theorize that other ingredients in dairy act synergistically with the calcium. (I love the two-for-one nature of this fat releaser!)

In one study out of the University of Tennessee, researchers showed that eating three servings of dairy daily significantly reduced body fat in obese subjects. And if subjects restricted calories while consuming the same dairy servings, fat and weight loss accelerated.

There’s more! A great study done in 2010 indicated that drinking fat-free milk immediately after whole-body resistance training and again one hour after the workout allowed participants to increase fat loss, gain greater muscle and strength, and strengthen bones by reducing bone cell turnover. Drink milk and get all these amazing benefits? Sign me up

13. Quinoa
I’m keen on quinoa for many reasons: This ancient grain is a nutritional powerhouse, chock-full of protein, amino acids, phytosterols, and vitamin E. A study published in 2011 points to its promise as a fat inhibitor. Animals fed supplements containing a quinoa-seed extract had less body fat, lower body weight, and decreased appetite. Also, quinoa is versatile and can be made into crackers, side dishes, and hot cereals.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Drop 5 Pounds in a Week

girl dropping a number 5
You want to shed weight for an upcom­ing event. Do you (a) accept how you look and detag Face­book pics later, (b) stop eating, or (c) follow our simple plan? Yeah, we thought so.

We come up with a fat-torching plan that really will subtract up to 5 pounds from your bod in seven days — without starvation, bizarre supplements, or cutting out entire food groups. How? It's all about small sacrifices combined with specific techniques. And rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all regimen, we figure you're more likely to stick with the plan if you pick the eating and exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.

So choose at least four of the nutritionist- and fitness expert-backed tips that follow, and vow to work them into your schedule for seven days straight. If you feel ambitious, tack on a few more. The more you pick, the more weight you'll lose. If you start now, by this time next week, you'll look and feel way lighter.

Drink Mainly Water
A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don't satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they're a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.

Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it's just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.

Ban White Bread and Pasta
Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls — will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating, especially around your belly. "Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later," says Jana Klauer, MD, author of The Park Avenue Nutritionist's Plan.

To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week. This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip. The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer. And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.

Do Cardio 30 Minutes a Day
Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you'll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, says Wendy Larkin, personal-training manager at Crunch's Polk Street gym, in San Francisco.

Three to consider: spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts. Half an hour of each torches 200 to 300 calories while toning up your arms, legs, and core so everything appears sleeker and tighter.

You'll burn even more calories per session if your workout incorporates interval training: alternating short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity. Experts aren't sure why it works, but trainers swear by it.

Drink Coffee an Hour Before Working Out
This is the one exception to the stick-to-water-only rule: Just as a coffee run makes your morning at work more productive, a pre-exercise cup of java with a splash of skim milk (about 11 calories) or black (just 5 calories) will energize your workout, explains Dr. Klauer. "You'll burn more calories without realizing you're pushing yourself harder."

Have Nightly You-on-Top Sex
Not that you needed an excuse to hook up with your guy every night, but the fact is, this position is a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking, and the more active you are, the more calories you burn — up to 144 for 30 minutes.

Sex also pumps levels of feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, helping you ride out food cravings. Get on top in reverse-cowgirl (i.e., facing away from your guy) to give your thigh and butt muscles an extra push.

Do 36 Push-Ups and Lunges Every Other Day
These gym-class staples will help sculpt muscle, so you'll sport a more streamlined appearance. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise every other day. "Push-ups target your upper body, while lunges work your butt, hips, and thighs," says Larkin. Quick tip: Make sure your back and legs remain in a straight line during your push-ups; it'll improve muscle tone. Also, you can build even more muscle with the lunges if you hold free weights in each hand while doing them.

Sleep 30 Minutes More a Night
That extra half an hour, whether you sleep 5 hours or 8, can refresh you enough that you will make better food choices (in other words, no quick sugar fix for breakfast in search of energy) and won't feel lethargic and skip the gym, says registered dietician Esther Blum, author of Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous. More restful sleep (7 to 8 hours is best) also boosts your metabolism. And since your body builds muscle while you snooze, getting zzz's equals better muscle tone.

Make One Food Sacrifice
Cutting out one indulgence — such as the chips you have with lunch or the chocolate dessert you eat after dinner — can subtract a few hundred calories from your diet, which translates into less flab, says Blum. "Your body won't even notice their absence."

Don't Let the Camera Add Pounds
Push your chin forward, hold your arms away from your body, and turn slightly sideways from the camera with one foot in front of the other.


Really. These slenderizing effects may not be permanent, but they'll help you look hotter in your skinniest jeans on very short notice.

Eat Salmon for Lunch
It's packed with nutrients that build muscle tone and give your skin a healthy glow. Some nutritionists claim that consuming a portion (doesn't matter how it's cooked) may immediately make your face look a bit more contoured.

Stand Up Straight
Keeping your spine rigid and your shoulders back while sucking in your belly toward your spine gives you a slimmer, more streamlined middle.

Do Squats and Sit-Ups
Bodybuilders use this technique before competitions because it adds definition to muscle. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise to tighten your abs, butt, and legs temporarily.

Pop an Antigas Pill
Take one of these chewable tablets, sold over-the-counter at drugstores, to relieve bloating in your abdomen and break up gas bubbles in your digestive track, leaving you with a flatter tummy

12 Tricks to Help Lose Belly Fat

Flat, toned abs are right up there with Ryan Gosling's digits—every chick with a pulse wants them. If you're looking to lose belly fat, try these expert tips. They target that pesky pooch to score you abs so tight, could bounce a quarter off of them.

1) Exercise in Bursts
Awesome news: Turns out that marathoning for an hour on the treadmill isn't only boring as hell, but it doesn't even really give you that great of a workout. Experts say that if you're trying flatten your abs, one of the most effective methods is actually interval training, which means incorporating short bursts of high-intensity burnouts into whatever you're doing, whether that's running, squats, whatever. And bonus—it'll keep you burning calories for up to 16 hours post-exercise. Um, we'll take it.

2) Stretch, Then Crunch
The most common mistake you're probably making when doing abwork is jumping in without limbering up, which causes you to do most of the work with your hips and back. See, your core muscles are harder to activate when the areas surrounding it are still tense. Try this: Before doing a single crunch, put a foam roller in the center of your back at the edge of your shoulder blades and stretch back over the roller, arms up. Repeat until the middle part of your back, which tends to get pulled the most during improper abwork, feels loose.

3) Dip Into the Olive Oil
Yeah, it sounds a little weird, but hear us out. Experts say that certain compounds in olive oil stimulate a hormone in your stomach that signals to your brain that it's full. Thus, it curbs your appetite so your body doesn't feel quite as hungry. You probably don't want to shoot it straight up, so try dipping some multi-grain bread into about a tablespoon of the stuff 15 minutes before a meal. Quirky, but it should keep you from overeating and packing on unnecessary lbs.   

4) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
We get that the last thing you want to do when you're feeling puffy is to chug water, but experts say that it's critical to regulating your metabolic rate (and consequently, your body's fat-burning mechanisms). Drinking your recommended eight glasses of H2O daily will help your body run more efficiently, making your workouts and healthy eating efforts way more effective. Plus, the more water you drink, the more excess you'll flush out, so you wind up actually de-bloating as a result. Win-win.

5) Nix That Before-Bed Snack
You know not to crush half a pizza before jumping in bed…but even munching on something healthy-ish at night can throw off your calorie-burning momentum. Ideally, while you're sleeping you want your body to burn its current fat storages (read: that pesky middle-jiggle) for fuel as opposed to whatever you ate as a midnight snack. Make sure to fill up at dinner every night, and then banish yourself from the kitchen at least two hours before bed.

6) Chill Out
One of the top belly-fat-building offenders is stress—and not just because that bad day at work can make you feel like demolishing a pint of Cherry Garcia. When your body senses that you're overwhelmed, it automatically starts producing cortisol—a hormone has been proven to eff with your body chemistry and stimulate extra fat-storage in your gut. Yeah, sucks. When you're feeling worked up, close your eyes and take long, deep breaths for about five minutes. You'll immediately start to feel more relaxed, which should calm those hormones down and nix that belly sabotage. 

7) Get your Zzzs
Adult women require anywhere from six to eight hours of sleep every night. If you're staying up late on the regs and aren't meeting that minimum, you'll throw off your natural rhythm, which can cause your body to freak out and start overproducing hormones (including cortisol). By getting the right amount of sleep every night, your body and metabolism will stay regulated—keeping you and your tummy on-point.  

8) Eat Every Three Hours
You might think passing on lunch will save calories and trim your middle, but you're actually trending toward the opposite. Going long periods of time without eating can send your body into starvation mode, meaning it starts storing everything you've already eaten as fat since it doesn't know when you're going to feed it again. And guess where that chub piles on first? Yup. Your midsection. Experts say having a small meal or snack every three hours will keep your body fueled and in prime calorie-torching mode all day.

9) Load Up on Greens
Not only are vegetables like kale, lettuce and broccoli practically calorie-free, they're also full of vitamins and are super-filling. Munching on these at lunchtime or for snack will make you less likely to eat something naughty and pudge-inducing later on.

10) Stick to One or Two Drinks
There's nothing wrong with hitting up happy hour. But when you start to drink in excess, you'll wind up packing on weight in your midsection since alcohol is digested as a sugar, and sugar ultimately turns into fat. Think of a bottle of wine as a stack of cookies—both convert into your body the same way, so you should moderate your intake accordingly.

11) Pump Iron a Few Times a Week
You know cardio is critical to tummy-toning, but weight-lifting just as clutch since it helps up your body's lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more efficiently your body processes calories and burns body fat. So not only will you get a sculpted middle, you'll also make it so you can eat more without packing on any extra poundage.

12) Eat Dark Chocolate
Seriously. It's packed with zinc, which experts say is pretty much your belly's best friend. Zinc increases your body's levels of circulating leptin, which is a hormone that regulates your energy expenditures, fat storages and appetite…so pretty much everything that impacts having that extra bit of fluff overtop your abs. You'll obviously need to opt for the lower-in-sugar kinds and indulge in moderation, but it should help chip away at that pooch. Now that we can dig. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas

In today's world, where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. If you have a good figure, not only it enables you to flaunt your body, but also it helps in boosting your confidence level. For some people, obesity becomes a serious cause of concern, thus affecting their mental fitness.

There are several reasons as why some people are overweight. It is interesting to know that your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. People with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight because of their slow metabolism fat gets stored in their bodies. There are some people who suffer from the problem of hormonal imbalance, but one of the major causes of obesity in people is their unhealthy eating habits and inadequate exercising.

Given here are some easy and fast weight loss ideas:

  • Make water your favorite drink. A person must have a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day. Avoid taking soft drinks or carbonated beverages; moreover replace them with water. Water helps in reducing weight in the most effective manner.
  • Don't stuff yourself with food in a single sitting; instead have 5 to 6 small meals or snacks in a day. Eating several small meals helps the body to release less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps to control hunger.
  • Make a habit of walking. Instead of driving car to the nearby market, prefer walking down. Walking is more important for people in sedentary jobs. Walk for at least 45 minutes every day; it helps in burning extra calories.
  • Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat. So downsize your food plates and coffee mugs, and say goodbye to those extra calories.
  • Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption. Some other water-rich foods include soups and salads; they are good source of nutrition.
  • Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes can be eaten twice. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet.
  • Avoid taking white foods as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which may further lead to weight gain. Replace white sugar, white rice, and white flour with whole grain breads and brown rice.
  • Switch to ordinary coffee because coffee drinks at shops has extra calories, owing to whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and sugary syrups. A cup of regular coffee, having skim milk brewed with good beans, tastes great and moreover has fewer calories.
  • Use skimmed milk as it is high in calcium and low in calories. For coffee, use nonfat powdered milk.
  • Prefer eating cereal for breakfast five days a week. Following this, you will consume more fiber and calcium, and less fat than those who eat other breakfast foods.
  • Prefer having meals at home. We're more likely to eat more - in fact, more high-fat, and high-calorie foods- when we eat out than eating at home.
  • Try to eat slowly and put your fork or spoon down after every bite. Drink water often and talk about your day with your partner. If you eat slowly, you would feel contended with your meal.
  • Eat only when your stomach wants food. Usually out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration; many of us unnecessarily have food. If you want to have something specific, it's probably a craving, not hunger.
  • Prefer flavorings like hot sauce, salsa, and Cajun seasonings rather than butter and creamy or sugary sauces. These flavorings not only provide flavor with no fat and few calories, but the spicy ones also turn up digestive fires, causing your body to burn more calories.
  • Eat fruit rather than drinking fruit juice. Eating whole foods will keep you satisfied for longer period of time than juice. Moreover, fruit juices are very high in calories.
  • Eat equal portions of vegetables and grains at dinner. A cup of cooked rice or pasta has about 200 calories, while a cup of cooked veggies has just 50 calories. This will help to avoid a grain calorie overload, and high-fiber veggies will help satisfying your hunger.
  • After every two hours, get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes. A brisk five-minute walk after every two hours will you're your body active.
  • Once a week, make a habit of washing something thoroughly - could be floor, windows, shower cabin, bathroom tiles, car, etc. It helps in burning out about four calories for every minute spent in cleaning.
  • Take a walk before dinner and it'll not only burn calories, but also cut down your appetite.
  • Prefer not eating with a large group as we tend to eat more when we eat with other people, probably because we spend more time at the table. When eating in groups take a note of time and leave the plate, as and when you have had enough.
  • Skip watching TV for an hour and go for a walk instead. Or else, you have now time to finish your domestic chores.
  • Take most of the calories before noon because studies tell that the more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening. Moreover, you will get more chances to burn off those early-day calories than late-night calories.
  • Order alcohol by the glass, not the bottle. This way, you'll be more aware of how much alcohol you're intaking. Alcohol is high in calories, however moderate drinking can be good for your health.
  • Stock your refrigerator with low-fat yogurt. Cut down 500 calories a day from your diet and eat yogurt three times a day for 12 weeks. It will help you lose more weight and body fat.