Friday, May 3, 2013


For the average person, it’s incredibly frustrating to see the scale stay at the same weight from week to week. For most people, it’s enough to throw them off the course. However, believe it or not, there are some incredibly simple reasons why you may not be losing weight or may not be losing weight as fast as you’d like to. If you make simply changes to your diet, exercise, or other aspects of your life, you may be able to start losing weight. Here are some of the main reasons you may not be losing weight:

You don’t sleep enough: Sleep is incredibly important to losing weight. Sleep helps the body recharge and allows the mind to unwind so that you can think and function properly the next day. Plus, chronic sleep deprivation causes the body to increase cortisol production – in other words to store more fat.

Your stress levels are high: Stress has been directly linked to weight gain in numerous studies. Like sleep deprivation, high stress levels cause the body’s cortisol production to increase, which means you store more fat.

You’re adding muscle: If you’ve just started your diet or training regime and are exercising more, you probably are building your muscles. This could balance out the fat you are losing, which would explain why you haven’t lost weight. The good news is that muscle burns more calories than fat. In fact, muscle burns about six times as many calories as fat does. Therefore, in the long run you’ll burn more fat and start losing weight.

You’ve reached a healthy weight: Eventually, your body will reach its’ ideal weight. Essentially, your body believes it has reached homeostasis and will make it incredibly difficult to lose weight. Women tend to reach homeostasis at a high body fat percentage than men. However, if you maintain a healthy diet and keep exercising, eventually you will keep burning away fat and achieve a healthier, slimmer look.

You exercise too much: Believe it or not, you can exercise too much. After you exercise for a long period of time, your body starts burning glycogen for energy. Your body responds by causing a series of chemical reactions that will likely make you crave sugar even more to replace the glycogen you just lost. The rule of thumb for cardio is shorter, more intense training.

Your diet isn’t as good as you think: Diet is hands-down the most important aspect of losing weight. If your diet isn’t healthy, you aren’t going to lose weight. Remember to cut out simple carbs completely from your diet and stick to vegetables and whole grains for your carbs. Lean protein sources and fruit are also the other two groups you should include in your diet to help make sure you lose weight consistently each week.

You are not eating enough: Many dieters tend to suddenly slash their caloric intakes in half in the hopes they will instantly lose weight. The reality is that eating too little causes the body’s metabolism to slow down, which means you will not burn as many calories as you normally would. The general guideline is for women to eat 1,500 calories and for men to eat at least 1,800 calories. Obviously, your individual diet will vary but if you go to bed hungry or have late night cravings, then chances are you are not eating enough during the day.

These are just some of the many simple fixes you can make to start losing weight again. You should always re-evaluate your diet and exercise regime to ensure you are doing whatever you can to lose weight. Remember, slow and steady wins the race, so do not drastically cut your calories or over exercise thinking it will help you. Steady weight loss is the key to long-term weight loss and if you follow some of the tips mentioned above, you can ensure you keep off the weight you lose.

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